Chapter 37- Calm Before the Storm

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I finally arrived at circular key, it felt like I was so far from Bondi but I had been here twice before when I was younger.

The fairy pulled in and I stepped aboard. With me hone dead no one had anyway of contacting me, let alone knowing where I was.

A short ride through the harbour and we were finally at taronga zoo stop. I had always loved going to the zoo because I knew that If I had never been excepted into the trainee program I would of ended up as a keeper or around animals.

It felt werid beng here alone but I was going to make the most of this spare time. I made my way up the small hill and reached for my wallet out of my back pack.

Deano's POV

"So what's the plan", I ask intently. "Well before we do anything we got to make sure shes stronger then before", The young gun stated.

"We are going to have to hurry too", He added.

I had no idea what was going through his head but whatever it was, I sure hope it would work. "I'll text her now", I say as I leave Jesse to continue his idea.

*Hey, Jesse and I need to see you ASAP

Taylor POV

Today had been really good considering I had, had no one else to talk to. I stepped onto the fairy to make my way back to Bondi before it got too dark.

The familar sound of the waves crashing returned to my ears as I walked along the prominard. A few of the boys continued to finsih pack up the equipment and I could only imagine helping.

What am I going to do?

This whole situation really sucks, if only I hadnt been so stupid. "Taylor", I heard a voice call from around the corner. Jesse, Maxi and Deano.

"Oh hey", I reply as they jog up to me. 

" We need to talk urgently, we have a propersition for you", Jesse stated.

Authors note-

Hey guys only a short chapter tonight, back at school and already so many assignments. I will try and upload atleast once a week if I have time. Hope you like the chapter, sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger. Vote and leave a comment below.

Have a great week.

Summer Paradise: A Bondi Rescue FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin