Chapter 18- Aussie Christmas

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I stayed the night at my mate Angela's unit with 2 other friends, Jennifer and Laura. I'd be up early and on my way to my house to get into the Christmas spirit.

With no clue what was happening today for Christmas I left some presents under the tree for the girls and called a taxi.

My suit case in one hand and a bag of presents in the other I waited on the drive way until the taxi came. After a short waite I flung my bags in the boot and jumped into the taxi.

"That will be $10 today", said the taxi driver. I handed over the money and grabbed my stuff and. Made my way to front door.

I pulled out my keys and tip toed inside trying not to wake anyone up and hopefully the dog wouldn't bark. As I got to my room I peaked in on my brother who was fast asleep snoring.

I dropped my bags and grabbed out the presents. Once again tip toeing into the lounge room I managed not to wake anyone up and placed the presents around the Christmas tree.

I quickly got back to my room and took a seat at my desk. After an hour of playing around on social networking sites and wishing people a merry Christmas.

I heard some one attempt to sneak out of their room and open present, but boy did I have a surprise. My brother was making his way through the kitchen when I jumped out from behind the door.

The look on his face was harlaious. He almost screamed the house down but I stopped him before he woke up everyone else.

"Haahaha omg that was so funny", I giggled. "what are you doing here, when did you get here?", he asked. "Thats for me to know and you to find out", I laughed.

We ran into our parents room and shook them until they woke up, as a tradition of ours. "Taylor, your back", they said with a surprised face.

"Yep, well let's get these presents open then",I said in excitement as my brother and I ran out of the room and around the Corning into the lounge room.

We sat down and started handing out present after present until there were none left under the tree. "looks like there's none left", I said grateful with my trawl of presents.

"Arh I think there's one more, I'll just go get it", said my mum in a suspicious voice. The faces on my brother and dads face seemed to look like they knew what it was.

It was only just shorter then me and not very thick. My parents handed it over to me and I automatically knew what it was.

I pulled of the ribbon and slid the rapping paper down. It was a brand new surf board. White and blue with tropical flower on it.

It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. There was only one problem I didn't know how to surf because I had never had a surf board before.

"Thank you so much, I love it", I yelled in excitement. We carried our present put of the lounge room and into our bedrooms.

When we finally a merged from our rooms we sat down to a delicious bacon and eggs breakfast. "So what's the plan for today", I said while stuffing my face with the good stuff.

"Well, seeing as its our turn to host Christmas this year we are heading down to Thompsons beach for the afternoon.

After a few hours of fiddling around with our presents and mum madly cooking in the kitchen we started packing the car.

Surf skies on top and yummy food in the back. I grabbed out my togs, flippers,snorkel and towel and threw it in the back seats.

We arrived at Thompsons Beach where some of our family were already set up in a shelter undercover area. It was already 34 degrees and rising it was gonna be a hot day.

After unloading the car and relaying everything over to the seats we were greater by more of our family. After the presents were all handed out all of us kids headed down to the water.

There were no waves and wasn't a very busy beach but it was creat for a swim or paddle. With my surf ski under one arm and the paddle in my other hand I made down to the water and hopped on.

After about two hours of playing around and getting flipped over we made our way back up to the tables. Dripping wet I grabbed my towel and tied it around my waste.

As we got to the tables we could instantly tell that lunch was cooking. There boys had been cooking Snags (sausages),steak,onion and we had a while table covered with platters of food.

I grabbed a plate and threw on some prawns, steak and salad. "Arh, so yummy", I said to myself. After we had stuffed our selfs we went back for some rumballs, gingerbread, fruits cake and not to forget passion fruit tart.

So full we decided to take a seat with the family and Waite awhile before we hit the water again. 

As I was sitting around I suddenly realised that I still didn't know what Maxi was up to.

I had almost forgotten and I was going to find out as soon as I got back. I pulled out my phone and texted the boys who surly enough would be having a busy day at the beach today.

"Hey boys hope your having a Merry Christmas, not too busy I hope", I texted to them before throwing my phone in my bag and sprinting back down to the water with the others.

After a few more hours it was almost time to go. Most of the family had already gone. We grabbed all the gear and threw everything in and drove around the point and grabbed some fish and chips.

We took a seat above the rocks and watched the sailing boats come in as we ate before quickly getting home for more Christmas celebrations.

7:30 pm and I got a text message on my phone. I swiped it across and entered my password and open messages. "Were just finishing up here and about to go have some stubs, boy it was busy today didn't even have enough time to have our turkey for lunch:)", read the messages from Maxi, kerbox and Troy.

Not long after I was so tired I fell asleep in my cloths and slept like a baby.

Authors notes: sorry its a bit short I havnt had much time been pretty busy throughout the holidays but please VOTE,COMMENT, and keep READING. 

Hope you guys are having a good holiday.

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