Chapter 39- Decisions

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My mind keeps racing as the conversations from yesterday come flooding back. How has this happened, does Hoppo hate me? Have I changed since going back to school? What am I going to do? 

I can't deal with this right now. My fingers press against the screen of my iPhone before dialling a familiar number. "Jesse, I will. That is if the offer is still open", My mouth spoke, before my mind could catch up. Was this the right decision? I don't even know what's right from wrong anymore.

"Meet me outside in ten", A voice streamed through my phone as I remembered I was still talking to someone. "Okay"' I answered as my digits pressed the red end button.

My legs forced my body from the tear stained sheets of last night as I tried to make an effort with my appearance. Before I knew it I remembered Jesse was likely to already be here. I made my way down stairs and out the front door.

I had already made my mind up last night, that the conversation between Hoppo and myself would stay between ourselves. The others properly already knew anyway and I wonder if they think I am as bad as what Hoppo thinks. Has this whole time I've been at Bondi been one big lie?

"You look awful, what's wrong?", Jesse asked as I made my approach. "Well your nice and nothing's wrong", I replied with a fake smile. "Okay", He responded. I did not feel in the mood for questioning today.

"So where are you taking me anyway?", I muttered trying to changed the subject before it became awkward. "Physio, then planning", Jesse answered. Hmm, I Thought to myself did I really want to know.

"Physio?", My voice muttered with a concerned tone. "If your gonna get any better in time for September and...", Jesse cut himself off before finishing. "You will need physio, don't worry I know a guy", He ended. Some how I don't quit think that was what he left out the first time.

We made our way to Jesse'e car in the parking lot.


"This is the place", Jesse announced as I stepped outside of the vehicle. "Great", I replied with an obvious amount of sarcasm on my voice. I had never been one for doctors and all things medical related when it came to myself.

"Your be fine", He reassured as we stepped through the door. "Jesse mate, what do we have here", A voice called from around the corner. Obviously he had spotted us before we had noticed him. 

"Some ribs, do you reckon you can do anything?", Jesse asked.

"I'll give it a shot", the tall man replied. A similar tattoo appeared from beneath his thin shirt, Oh my god he was a bra boy too. Not that I had anything against them but the last time I met one it didn't end so well.

He instructed for me to lay on the table and I complied. This was going to be so fun.


"Come on we got some serious planning we got to do now, Maxi's meeting us there", Jesse said as he rushed me out the door. The physio wasn't so bad, at least not as bad as I thought it would be. My ribs defiantly felt a little better.

This whole ribs situation is giving me the shits all I want to do is go back to the summer days of patrolling and being able to do what I do best, rescuing people. Or at least what I thought I was good at...

This is one big mess, I wish I could have avoided.

Before too long Jesse's car pulled up along a small building. This must be where all the Planning is happening. "Okay so were here, now what?", I asked.

"We'll we still don't have everything sorted and we have some stuff we got to do", Jesse replied. We made our way into the building before I saw Maxi already sat in a chair lost in concentration as we entered the room.

I think this was the right choice.


After a few hours of intense planning and organising I was standing outside the surf club where I live. Maxi had already made his way up to his apartment and Jesse was long gone. With my surfboard under my right arm I slowly made my way back to the place I know best.

Although I have so many friends here and at home, this was the one I felt most comfortable with.The ocean. I sat out the back just as I did the night before as the sun drew to a close for another day.

What Hoppo had said to me yesterday was wrong. So wrong that I can't even describe it. "Fit the best", his voice plays in rewind. NO, not for the best. This is my home, this is where I belong and nothing will ever change that. This has been the best thing to ever happening to me and that will never change.

I will never let someone ever again thing that this is not the best for me, never. If only I had a way I could prove myself to Hoppo. If only I could get in his head and know why and what he thinks of me. If only.

But how was I going to prove myself. Why does everything have to be so difficult. Or is it?

Somehow I made my way back to shore, and the reality hit me once more. It was as if the ocean was the only place I could be myself. The person who I believe I am. The person who's not afraid of anything, the person who I really am.

I made my way half way up the beach before laying my board onto the sand softly with my body following shortly. If only people knew how messed up my life was...

Before I knew it light started to fill my eyes. What is going on. "Taylor, what are you doing here?", A voice, A voice I knew all to well asked. Mouse and matt. I opened my eyes to the real world once more. There lay beside me my board and my legs covered in sand.

"I must have fell asleep last night after...", I stopped myself. What if People thought that I was faking my injury. If only they knew how much I wish I didn't have it. 

"Yeah I just fell asleep, I must have been really tired", I continued.

"Oh okay, well as long as your okay", Mouse stated. I picked myself up along with my board and made my way to the promanard. It was still a little dark as the sun had just begun to rise. It must be early, about 5 or 6.

Today was gonna be the day I changed this situation. I was going to prove myself that I am good enough to be on the team, no matter what Hoppo thinks of me or anyone else for that fact.

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