Chapter 5- Patrol

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I woke up to a beautiful sunny day at Bondi, 7 am and I didn't even need to be at work until 8.  

Waking up every morning here was like an endless paradise island. My small room over looking the ocean reminding me we basically lived on the beach. 

This was better than anyone could of ever described..

I finally managed to pull myself out of bed and into a nice cool shower to refresh myself for the day to come.  

I put some casual clothes on and tied my vans, headed for some breakfast and a coffee before work.

With one hour to spare and luckily a cafe right beside the pavilion, the start to my day was set. I walked in and asked for a small capichino and some raisin toast.

"$6.50", the lady said before I noticed her dark eyes scan my face. "Hey, you must be the new trainee at Bondi", She asked, introducing herself as Karman. Apparently she supplied the guys with coffees all the time and loved to have a good chat aswell.  

By the time I had looked at my watch, I realized that it was already 7:30am and I only had half an hour left before I had to be hitting Bondi again.

I finished up my coffee and headed next door to the pavilion.

As I went to retrieve the keys from my backpack to open the door I realized I had left them at the surf club beside my bed. "Oh no", I thought to myself.

Quickly making my way next door, I knocked on the edge of the door to see if Hoppo could lend me his keys but as my hand made its way to the knob of his door it appeared  locked. I knocked on the door a few more times but no answer came from inside.

I walked across the road to see if one of the boys could lend me their key. "Hey Deano", I shouted. "Mate could I borrow your key to the change rooms for a minute, please?", I asked. 

"Sure", He replied, tossing his keys across the room in my direction.

 Jogging back to the pavilion and swapping into my uniform, I headed back over ready for my patrol. 

Re-entering the tower I hadn't realized everyone that was in there had stopped what they were doing to look at me. Did I have food on my face? This was not the greeting I was expecting.

Deano walked over to where I was standing."Guess who's going to be learning how to patrol on the jet ski today?". 

"Me, are you serious? Woah that will be so cool", I lied. I didn't know how to use a jet ski nor did want to embarace myself in front of everyone else.

I knew that they would all be watching and if I stuffed up, they would probably laugh at me, I thought to myself. 

 Making myself so nervous over nothing, I started to wonder  who would seriously care. Everyone has to learn some how and you can only learn from your mistakes right?.

I headed down the stairs with Reidy and Deano. Deano passed me a lifejacket while Reidy reversed the trailer out of the shed. We jumped into the rhino and drove towards the water. I couldn't help but wonder how this was going to end.

With so many butterflies in my stomach, I had some doubt but I was eager to learn anything new. Deano and I jumped out as Reidy reversed the rhino and dropped the jet ski into the water with some assistance.  

 Deano jumped onboard and told me to sit behind him. He showed me how to control it first and how to make it go faster and stop quickly.

 Also telling me that I had to drive headon through the waves and I didn't like the sound of that because the swell was building as more time past.

Summer Paradise: A Bondi Rescue FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now