Chapter 22- New Years Day

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The morning after the night before. Quarter to five in the morning and 8 of us had manage to drag our selfs down here. After only a couple of hours of sleep myself, Kerbox, Tom, Deano, Maxi, Troy, Hoppo and Harries we're ready for probably one of the busiest days of the summer.

Deano and I had been assigned the duty of checking on all the drunk or drug effected people still asleep on the beach.

It was the most amount of people on Bondi this early all year literally, most still partying from the night before and some celebrating the new year in different countries.

Myself and Deano jumped into the rhino full of energy for the New year. Deano turned the keys and we were off. It didn't take long to find our first drug effected victim.

"Hello, sir are you awake?", Deano politely asked as he gave a gentle push on the mans arm. With no response I jumped out of the rhino and pushed my fingers against the mans neck.

"A very shallow pulse", I said. Stepping back allowing for Deano to check for a pulse to make sure. "Yeah, your right. Will need an ambo and it's probably drug over dose", Deano replied.

"Yeah rhino 2 to tower, will need an ambo down here. He's got a really shallow pulse and Deano thinks its probably a drug over dose", I spoke into the radio.

"Is he conscious or any one with him", Tom radioed back. "He hasn't regained consciousness in the time were been here and doesn't appear to be with anyone", I replied.

"The Ambos are on there way, tower out", Tom responded.

"He's coming around Taylor, just stand back", Deano instructed me. The young man aggressively awoke just as the Ambos arrived.

They quickly got him onto the prominard and away. That was one down and many to go. As we pulled up to the next one Deano called out "Hello, time to wake up". But they didn't move.

"Well this should get them up", I said. I placed my hand on the siren which and held it down for a good few seconds.

People arose from the sand like zombies all covered in sand and alcohol. "That did the trick", I smiled and Deano smirked and continue driving.

Today was going to be full of unexpected events and we were going to have to be ready for anything.

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