Chapter 31- Nippers With The Boys in Blue

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I grabbed my biology books and shoved them into my sports bag as i exited the classroom, heading for the gates. "See you tommorrow Taylor", Meg called from across the court yard. 

"Bye" I replied as i climbed the stairs. Only a handfull of seniors were out already as I spotted a familar car parked near the crossing.

"Hey guys" I called, flinging my bag in the back and jumping in. "So where are we going?'' I asked. "4 Bondi lifeguards, 1 beautiful Queensland afvo, must be off to some nipper traing, shall we", Bacon answered.

Azza started the engine as we went around the round a bout and on our way.


"OKay so are you guys ready for some hard work?", Reidy yelled in excitment at the young children who stood in front of him.

"YEsssss", they replied.

As reidy and the boys started explaining what would be happening today I spotted what seemed to be a hand out the back. There was hardly any waves and it was pretty shallow.

A board layed just by the shore of the water. Quickly getting into old habits, I sprinted to the board and dragged it with me in to water. 

Jumping ontop of it I paddled at what seemed to be kilometre after kilometre. I had no idea how anyone could get this far out let alone in such flat water.

The yelps of help from the man become fewer and fewer as he started disappearing beneath the water.

I flung my head down and paddled faster until I reached the man. Swing my hand into the ocean and grabbing ahold of the brown long hair beneath I pulled the man up.

His arms lay on the yellow rescue board as I manoved myself to be able to pull him fully on. No way had he become in trouble fully because of being dragged out and not a strong swimmer but the odder of which his breath smelt said it all.

Drunk swimmers and water do not mix well in my opinion. "What do you think you were doing out here so far and drunk?", I inquired.

"Arhgk sw-im-m-ing", The young man answered barley even getting the 2 words out of his mouth. My legs swished and splashed in the water beneath as I turned the board around, facing the same direction as the beach.

Not too long afteer I had finally arrived back to the sand. The boys and children came running down the beach.

Azza and Reidy coming and taking the man off me as i finally got him to stand.

The children clapped as Bacon and I tried to get them back to what they were ment to be doing. "Okay kids we are going to have a race", Bacon explained.

Your going to swim around the floats out there and then sprint to the other side of the sand twice okay, but 1 catch. You will be versing Taylor and I, Okay off you go" He continued.

The 50 children aged 5 to 12 sprinted into the water as Bacon and myself follwed. 


"GO,GO,GO", I heard from the sand as I came out of the water for the 2nd time. Only a 100 metre sprint remained as of my relief.

I sprinted the where already a handfull of children stood.


As the last of the kids ran along the sand we gathered around Azza and Reidy, the only two not to have competed. 

"Hey kids you know what we have forgot to do?", I asked with a smirt on my face.

"Bread crum them", I cheered.

The kids lunged for Reidy and Azza throwing and covering them with sand as someof the older ones took them to the ground.

This wasnt a too bad of a first day I thought to myself.

Authors Comments.

Hey guys im so excited to see I have got over 11300 reads, thank you so much. Im in the middle of my school term and a few more chapters are on the way. Thank you again and keep reading and liking.

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