Chapter 47: The Down Fall

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After the day I had today, I was exhausted! My body literally felt numb at the nerves and I happily sat, cuddled up on the sofa, with the tv blaring. This was one of my favourite down time activities. Sure it was "undramatic", nor "life saving or adventurous", being dragged in by the story line was an adventure on its own, or living in the moment of a profession you have never dreamed of, brought to you by someone so passionate. 

I love my life, and after a day like today, I know this is where I belong. Throughout the evening I got a few texts from the boys pop up on my phone. Congratulating me on the save late this afternoon. Sure to the it may be just another rescue, another ordinary day in the life of a professional lifeguard. But after the uncertainty that had filled me in the previous weeks, congratulations and praise was welcomed with an open heart.

It was still almost hard to believe that, that child, that young girl had laid lifeless in front of me. That the quickly administered CPR may have in fact saved her life. I was so grateful for this opportunity and that finally I was able to save those, who needed rescuing. 

But deep down, tonight felt different.  I didn't know what it was, but something wasn't right. Although I got texts, was comfortable on the couch, with a snack in hand, I wasn't relaxed. No, I would say not content. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it wouldn't be until morning till I would find out the real reason, behind my restlessness. 

My alarm clock rang as usual and I was quick to shift from my bed and into the shower, before devouring a delicious breakfast. Dressed and eager to leave, my feet carried me out the doors and around the corner. Following the walking track around the beaches. A nice morning run to start the day, and perhaps the only nice thing to follow that day.

As I passed many fellow runners, generally accompanied by either a running partner, that of a friendly looking retriever or that of the human form, I felt happy and positive today. It was a bright blue, sunny day already, despite the early start. The weather looked good, and the waves looked even better. Not too big, thankfully, but not flat nor dangerous at the same time.

It was sure to be yet another hustling day down at Bondi, but I felt ready for anything.. almost anything I would soon find out. 

Finally at my locker, changed into the bright blue shirt I knew and loved (a little too much for a piece of clothing, in my opinion), I was ready to start another shift at the best beach in the world.

But before I could even cross the zebra crossing on route to the tower, I herd my name be called from behind.

"Taylor, can I have word quickly", the all too familiar voice inquired. Im sure you could all assume who it was. Hoppo himself stood there, expressionless only a few feet behind. "Sure thing", I replied happily, trying to lighten his mood. But there was no sight of a smile anywhere. 

"Whats up?", I continue to speak, secretly answering my own question in my mind with a "the sky", cheesy, but still a classic. "It's about the last rescue of the day, yesterday", Hoppo began. "Ah yeah, it was a close one, but the team worked really well in the situation", I stated. But there seemed to be more to this conversation.

"I thought that you should probably be the first to hear. The girl from yesterday that you retrieved, unfortunately passed from secondary drowning late last night", Hoppo continued. 

"There will be a debrief later on and you know there is always counselling available also. Now lets get on with it and i'll inform the other boys as well", He finished.

And with that we were back in the tower surrounded by the others as I tried my hardest to fade into the background. I knew secondary drowning could happen, when someone thinks they are alright but still have salt water in their lungs. But how could this happen, when she was in the safety of the hospital, where everything is meant to be monitored and examined. 

What if I had got to her quicker? What if I hadn't lost sight of her? Started compressions quicker? So many questions, that would never be answered, left floating around in my head. 

The other boys normal cheering spirit was suddenly soften and I could tell that they could see I was affected by what had happened. But for now there was more life's that needed saving and letting this effect me emotionally and affecting my judgement would only risk the life of others. 

I offered to take the first tower watch with Mouse, and soon enough the debriefing of yesterday would start.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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