Chapter 1- Summer Paradise (Bondi rescue)

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It was the day before summer started and I couldn't contain my excitment . Tomorrow I would be starting my very first job, at the age of 16. 

I was still in grade eleven, up here in Brisbane attending the local High school near by, but soon enough I would be flying in and out of Sydney and Brisbane for the best job in Australia.  

It had always been my dream to go to Bondi Beach, which would soon become a reality. But not only would I be going there, I would also be working there. I was going to be a Bondi lifeguard.  

I mean I wasn't a lifeguard yet, nor would I be officially for two years at least, and thats if I even make it.

It was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me, my dream job at sixteen. Not many people get to have there dream job at sixteen seriously.  

I hadn't been a lifeguard for very long in fact, I had never been a lifeguard not even a clubby or a nipper but this was what I wanted to do.  

There was a new program for trainees and I had been excepted. I hadn't been able to attend the trainee trials, but with the hard work I had been putting into my sport and at school, they had excepted me. 

Starting from tomorrow, I was going to be on a 1 week 'get to know basics' and learn the different things that I needed to know, and than for the rest of the summer I would be officially patrolling the beach.  

Although I would have to miss 2 or 3 days at the beach to fly up to Brisbane, to go to school for a few more weeks my summer was going to be awesome.  

I wasn't going to be missing much of school though, because I was going to be there half of the week anyway, and the rest I would do at nights back in Sydney.  

The only things that I would miss about not being in Brisbane was my family, pets and my friends the most. 

I had one last day in Brisbane and I couldn't think of anywhere else to spend it other than at school. 

My mum dropped me and my brother off at the school gate, and we walked in together. I saw Angie and ran over to where she was standing, waited for the others to arrive. It was only 6:30am and we started at 7, the school almost looked deserted as only a few other students appeared around the place

Finally another and another familiar face appeared. First Anna, then Tanya, followed by Joanne, Lara and finally Jenny. I knew that this would be a day to remember, as I wouldn't be seeing them for a few weeks because of the special learning week followed by a patrol week.  

After two weeks I would be back, for a few days at least but it wouldn't be the same as the usual normality around here. I hadn't actually told anyone that I was going yet, not even the teachers, so I guess it was time to tell them the news. "Ding,Ding", The bell rang for what seemed like the 100th time. "I guess I'll have to tell them later then", I thought to myself.....

 Finally class was over, and the group met by the lunch tables under the shade cloth. 

"Hey guys, there's something I need to tell you", I started off with.  "I'm not going to be around for the next next 2 weeks or so, then I'll be here on an on/off kinda thing", I finished. "Why", They almost asked in unison. "I'm going to be working at Bondi for the summer, so I won't be around for a bit", I replied.  

"But what about your school work, we are so close to the end, this could ruin all your hard work", Anna spoke, quit aggressively I might add.  

It was just like Anna, always worrying about school work, the future and education.  

It wasn't like I was pulling out of school or anything, rather pursuing the career I had always dreamed for and worked towards for so long. 

"I'll still be doing all my work and extra, don't worry about me", I replied.

Then the bell rang again, concluding the conversation before we all made our way back to our separate classes. I had Physical Recreation (sport) next with one of my all time favourite teachers, who I had, had when I was in grade 7. I didn't know where Mr.B was, but Mr.King was just as good, if not even better.  

We quickly make our way to the oval, where we had planned to do some extra training sessions for our personal fitness trainer levels. 

As our quit demanding session finally came to a conclusion, it was then that I remembered, I was going to need to tell Mr.B I wasn't going to be here for the exam on Monday morning.  

I walked over to Mr. King as he was picking up the last of the equipment from the session, whilst the class dispersed, heading towards their next classes.  "Mr. King", I said, "Do you know if Mr. B is actually at school today?, you know like not teaching but still here because I need to let him know that I won't he here for the final exam", I exclaimed. 

"Oh that's right you'll be at Bondi, won't you?", he said. But how did he know I hadn't told anyone apart from the girls at lunch. "Yeah" I replied with a slight case of confusion, and with that he wished me luck and continued on his way back to his office.

I couldn't stop thinking of how he knew I was going to be at Bondi. I thought it would be rude to ask, but then it suddenly occurred to me that I had remembered him saying back when we were in grade 7  that he was friends with one of the boys, Deano I think, that he had met at a triathlon the year before.

School soon came to an end, and I was quick to get home, because soon I would be at Bondi myself,  meeting all the boys in person.

Could this really be about to happen?

Summer Paradise: A Bondi Rescue FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now