Chapter 7- Back to School

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4am and here I was again on my way to the airport. Maxi had volunteered to drive me to the airport and soon I was going to be leaving Sydney but only for a few days.

By the time Maxi had dropped me off at 4:30am I had half an hour to get through check in and be waiting to board.

Luckily this time I didn't have any luggage to check in. I only had one carry on with a couple of little things in it including my laptop and school books. Everything else I need for school was at home.

Luckily I had a free session this morning and didn't need to be at school until 9am. I board my plane and ate breakfast once we had taken off."

We arrived in Brisbane at 6:30 am where I was meet by my dad waiting to pick me up. I walked though check out and was on my way home. 2 weeks had been the longest time I had been away from home by myself and It was good to be home.

Although I was so happy being back I missed being at Bondi knowing that the boys would already have the beach set up by now and just relaxing until the mayhem was to start.

The car pulled up and we were home I grabbed my bag and took it inside. It was 7 am and my brother was getting ready for school because he had to start in half an hour for an extension class.

Well I had some time to kill so my mum wanted to hear all about Bondi and what had been going on and of cause the awesome photos of the sunset and water.

I told her about getting to drive the jet ski and rescuing people and having pressed the shark alarm but there was some stuff that I left out like flipping the jet ski, going to hospital and sleeping in the tower and stuff.

There was just some things that are better not to be heard. I had an hour to get ready so I went and had a shower then got into my uniform and quickly revised some stuff and then desided to head to school.

My mum drove me to school and shortly I found myself in the library quickly studying for half and hour getting ready for any test that I had missed.

The bell rang and that meant there was a half an hour break then session two. I saw my friends over by the seats. I hadn't heard from them the whole time I had been at bondi being so busy and all.

I ran over and surprised them. "what are you doing here, how was Bondi", they asked me. "I'm here for 3 days and Bondi's awesome", I replied.

We spent the whole lunch break talking and catching up.

The bell rang and I had HPE rec and guess what we were revisiting today. FIRST AID. I just hoped that my Blake wouldn't pick me I hate demonstrating stuff.

"Taylor can you please come and demonstrate the recovery position", he asked me. Well at least this was one I knew.

After I had showed the recovery position mr Blake handed me a test that I had missed and said that I need to complete this and he would be back to collect it.

The class left and I was here sitting at a crummy old desk doing a test while Deano and maxi were probably in the surf saving someone. I died so much wanting to be there agin soon.

The test was pretty easy and I finished in about 10 minutes. I knew that they had gone to the gym in the sports hall so I grabbed my test and my bag and walked to the gym.

"mr blake, I'm finished ", I exclaimed. "well that was quick" he responded. I joined the group on the treadmills because that was the only thing left and kept running until lunch.

At lunch I made my way to maths block and saw my teacher about any test I had missed. 3 test I took them all and completed them to my satisfaction. I also handed in my class work and made my way to english to hand in work as well.

As I was on my way to the English block I spotted Mr Male from middle school. He must of spotted me too because he called my name " Hey Taylor", I heard him call.

I made my way over to where he was standing. "hows Bondi going", he asked "Awesome", I exclaimed," I've also had to use the first aid and recovery position a few times", I said.

"Wow it sounds great, when do you go back?", he asked. "In a few days", I answered as he continued on his path to the office.

After a few days of test and more tests it was finally my last class for the three days. The bell rang and I ran to the back gates. I was so desperately wanting to get back to Bondi that I had my flint moved to this afternoon so I could get back to Bondi.

I got home at 1:30 and and got out of my school clothes ready to head to the airport. I packed my small bag again and headed back to the airport my flight was at 2:30 and I was there at 2. After the boarding I slept for the whole time until we had arrived.

I got off the plane at 4 and was at Bondi by 4:30. I ran into the surf club up to my room and put my bag on my bed and headed down to the beach.

I knocked on the door and maxi answered.

"hey your already back", he said. "yep finished school and decided to catch a flight sooner rather than later", I replied.

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