Chapter 4: A Balancing Act

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After a long weekend of training with Deano I was in desperate need of studying. I had one more week of patroling then I would be flying back to Brisbane for 3 days. 

When I was to return to Brisbane I would have to sit all my tests that I had missed during my lunch breaks.  

I would hardly have much of a chance to catch up with my friends but that was just something that came with having the dream job. 

Well as I set up for a night of study I heard someone at the door. 

I walked to the door and opened it.  

Maxi had lost his keys while at the pub having a drink with the other boys so he needed the spare set.  

I went to the kitchen and grabbed the spare set and handed them to maxi and shut the door. 

I sat back down at my laptop and attempted to continue my studying when suddenly loud music started playing from the one other unit in the surf club.  

Looked like Maxi and Corey had decided to have a little party of there own and it wasn't like they would get in trouble from playing music cause none of the public lived here only the care takers and me.  

There was no way I was going to be able to concentrate now.  

I decided to grab my laptop bag and books and walked over to Bondi. 

I opened the door with the key Hoppo had given me and put my stuff on the bench and started working. 

Finally somewhere where I can concentrate with out being disturbed thank goodness Hoppo had given me that key I thought to myself. After a few hours of studying the time had flown. I didn't realize that it was 11pm. 

I didn't really want to be walking the streets of Sydney back to the surf club all alone late at night so I decided that I would just sleep here tonight and then head over to the pavilion in the morning and get ready.  

I shut down my computer satisfied with the work I had completed and walked down the couple of steps to the bed used for medical stuff and fell asleep.  

"bang", something hit one of the rollers on the window that woke me up. 

I looked at my watch 5am and unlocked the door to see what had made the noise. 

Some drunk had thrown a glass bottle at the window. I got the dustpan and sweeped up the glass and put it in the bin. 

I quickly got my laptop and books and walked across the street to the pavilion and took a shower and slipped my uniform on.  

I put my stuff into my locker and quickly got back to the tower. 

Just as well none of the boys saw me run out of the tower this morning I don't think a lifeguard is Suppose to sleep in the tower.  

I decided to open the rollers on the windows and wash the windows. As I started to clean the first one some of the boys started to arrive. Working on Bondi Beach was much a mans world because they were all guys and I was the only female here.  

As I continued cleaning the windows harries and Corey set up the flags. A lifeguard I hadn't really meet yet arrived his name was Matt D and apparently when he's on duty nothing really happens. The others life guards had told me about how they do heaps and heaps of rescues per season but when Matt was introducing himself he told me that he hadn't done any rescues for the past few seasons.  

Wow he must be a good luck charm. "Any swimmers, no matter how bad would be safe swimming in a rip near me", Matt exclaimed. As I finished the windows, I was set to go on patrol with Duno and Deano at North corner. We took the rhino down and this was to be my first real patrol. Deano was out on a rescue when Duno asked me why I had books and a laptop bag in my locker.

Damn I forgot that I shared a locker with him, I thought to myself. "Argh... I had been studying and didn't have time to put them back at my unit", I told him. He gave me a smile and it looked like he had believed me. Deano finished his rescue and then there was someone else in trouble. 

He sent me out, two people were in danger he came out behind me to supervise.  

I grabbed the first person and tried to pull them up, I finally got them on and tried to paddle to the next person."Hold on to the board", I said. 

I didn't know how I was suppose to get him in with one other person on the board already, who happened to be quite large. Deano came up along side me and pulled the person onto his board. Deano caught a wave in and was already back to shore. 

I was having trouble paddling in my larger sized patient and I was worried we were getting close to the rocks but then a wave came up behinded the board and pushed us in.  

Deano exclaimed to me that if I need help the raise my arm to signal for back up.  

More and more people were arriving at the beach and there was still hours till knock off.

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