Chapter 11- Plane Flight to Brisbane

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Sitting in a big yellow taxi on my way to the airport once again to travel up to Brisbane. I arrived at the airport on a sunny Sunday afternoon waiting inline to check in.

I finally reached the window after awhile and she handed me my boarding pass and I made my way to my boarding gate.

SYDNEY TO BRISBANE 4pm came up on the boarding sign. I had 10 minutes to spare and there was no way I would miss this flight and Waite another 3 hours.

I made my way into the boarding line, when suddenly someone over the loud speaker spoke.

"Gate no.22 Sydney to Brisbane 4pm there has been a delay please bare with us we will make sure you arrive on time." said the voice.

Oh darn it I thought to myself.

I took a seat close to the boarding desk and waited for our boarding to be called.

Finally half an hour later our boarding gate no.22 turned green on the sign for boarding. I jumped out of my seat and first into line.

I handed the lady my ticket and she scanned it and gave it back. I walked down the narrow hall until I reached the entrance of the plane.

I entered threw the small door and stepped onto the fairly large plane.

I took my seat at 3D and sat down. Yay I had a window seat I thought to myself. I tall lady looking for her seat approached me.

She say down in the chair beside me and fell asleep.

After about 15 minutes of everyone boarding we began for take off. The plane starts rolling and we headed onto the tar mat take off runway.

The plane started to ascend into the sky. Already I could feel my ears pop.

I looked out the window and the sky was extremely dark as it was on the weekend. We continued on our flight for about 10 minutes until there was a sudden flash.

I looked out my window and there was a large flag that only lasted a couple of seconds.

The plane suddenly started descending. Everyone's hands were in the air and we couldn't control them because of the large force.

The flight attendants tried to get to there seat after just finishing serving food. Both attendants fell to the ground as they were making there way.

Suddenly the plane straightened up once again.

The lady beside me started to panic. "what's going on", she yelled to the flight attendants.

The flight attendant didn't answer. They were still shaken up from the incident.

The unbuckle seat belt came on at last but no one got out. I unbuckled my seat belt and made my way to where the flight attendants were sitting.

"Are you ok"? I asked as they were still sitting there in shock.

One answered "I'm fine, just a little shaken up. The other "I think I've hurt my foot".

"Can you move it or put any weight on it"? I asked. "A little but it hurts", she answered. "wheres the first aid kit, you've probably just sprained it but you need to put a bandage on", I exclaimed.

The other flight attendant past me down the first aid kit as I opened it and took a bandage out.

"don't worry I'm a Bondi lifeguard I know what I'm doing", I joked to her.

I bandaged her foot and returned to my seat.

When suddenly the loud speaker cam on.

"ladies and gentlemen the resend we experience was due to a lighting strike t the plane, I ensure that there are no problems and will arrive on time as scheduled", said the captain.

After awhile of flying the seat belt sign came up once again and we were finally descending into Brisbane airport.

We were finally back on solid ground I thought to myself thank goodness.

I thought at was going to be the end for me there for a moment.

I grabbed my bag and headed into the doors of the airport where I was greeted by my dad.

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