Chapter 12- School Again

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I walked into the school gate refreshed and ready for he last week of year 11.

As I made it to outside the uniform shops to where my friends normally sat I head a voice in the distance call me.

I took no notice and kept walking thinking that they must of been calling another Taylor but as I got closer to where my friends were standing I could here them stilling cackling me name.

I turned around to have a look who it was then I saw mr male coming down the stairs towards me.

With a big smile on his face I made my way to him. "Hey mr Male, how are you?", I asked as we came to a stop.

"Very well thank you, how is Bondi going?", he asked.

"Really good thanks a few big days where the crowds are huge", I fitted in just before the bell rang.

"Well better let you get back to it", he said as he walked back towards middle school.

I turned 180 degrees round and made my way to the science lab. On the way to the lab I saw Nicole and Joanna heading in the same direction and I made my way over to them.

We made our way over to the door of the lab and waited with our books in one hand as we turned our phones off in the other.


Finally after an exhausting day of boring subjects it was time to go home finally. "boy I defiantly didn't miss the school work when I was at Bondi", I thought to myself.

I looked over to the car pack when I suddenly saw my brother waving his arms around infront of a rather small but cool looking car.

I crossed the road and headed towards him.

"what are you doing", I called

"trying to get your attention silly, I'm driving us home today! Remeber?", he replied.

I had totally forgot that my brother had finally got his license over the past couple of weeks that I had been away. Something I would of had if I hadn't been in between Bondi and Brisbane so much.

But I had a plan to finally finish and get my license over the next few weeks while I was in Bondi.

My brother unlocked thanks car and I threw my back in the boot and jumped int he front seat.

He started up the engine and I flicked the radio on. Taylor swifts mean blasted out of the speakers. I wound the volume down and sat back in the comfy chairs with my head against the window.

After a short but bumpy ride I found myself on the top of my old driveway. I grabbed my bag out of the boot and made my way to the door as my brother left once again to go see his friends.

I knocked on the door but I suddenly realized that no one was home when I turned around and saw that both my parents cars weren't here.

I dropped my heavy bag onto the pavement and unzipped the side pocket where I found my key at the bottom under my water bottle.

I grabbed the key out and zipped my bag up quickly and opened the front door.

I walked inside and straight upstairs into my room. I dropped my bag in the corner and jumped onto my bed with my iPhone in my right hand.

I grabbed the tv and DVD remote from my left and turned it onto av2 and started my DVD.


Finally it was the last day of school for 2012. I made my way down stairs to the kitchen counter where I found a bowl of weat bix and fruite already waiting, my favourite yummy.

I smashed down the gross but healthy breakfast and packed my broken school bag for what was going to be an awesome day.

I finished getting ready and made my way to the waiting gold car, where my mum was sitting in the drivers seat and my brother in the back.

We arrived at the gates and I could see all the year 12 graduates having their breakfast at the 3 trees cafe.

As their breakfast came to a close everyone was gathering towards the sports complex and many parents and siblings made up a large amount of that crowd.

At the far left corner I found my advisory and took my seat. After a few hours of speeches and presentation it was finally over.

We rushed out of our seats and made a guard of honor leading towards the door as the year 12's made their way out.

After the ceremony was over the year 12's went somewhere with there family but unlucky for us year 11's we had to head to normal classes.

Emma and Nicole made their way to we're I was waiting n line with my books in one hand and Nicole said " well since year 12's have technically graduated that means we are in year 12 now right".

"I guess it does", I replied

Boy I'm a year 12 student now, one more year of school then whole life of Bondi, I thought to myself.


The bell rang for the last time for 2012 senior school students and I made my way to senior school gates with all my friends.

They spoke about end of year celebrations and movies and stuff while all I could think of was how I would be on Bondi.

"hey Taylor", someone called as I turned around.

"yeah", I replied

"your Birthday right, a couple of weeks just before the end of the year what are you going to be doing", Angela asked

"well I won't be here on my birthday I'm going to be in Sydney um I'm not sure yet I'll have to think about it", I replied just before seeing my mums car.

"see you guys", I called as I dashed to the car.


After a good night sleep I would be heading back to Bondi tomorrow ready for a busy summer weekend.

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