Chapter 19- Birthday in Bondi

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After a hectic Christmas and a day of recovery I was heading back to Bondi. The reason I was heading back not long after Christmas was because it was my 17th birthday today.

I was rostered on to start at 9am this morning at Bondi so that left a little amount of time to leave here and get to work. My alarm clock "buzzed". I looked up from my comfy bed to see that it was 5 am.

Knowing that I would have to leave pretty soon I wanted to wish my twin brother a Happy Birthday. This would be the first birthday I would spend away from my family and not with my brother.

I jumped out of bed and ran next door into his room. With a present under one arm I shock him with one hand until he woke up.

"Happy Birthday brother", I yelled in a excited voice. "What time is it?", he's asked with a very good point. He was never really a morning person.

"10 past 5, now it's time to get up I have to leave shortly", I answered and placed his present on his desk. I quickly grabbed my Lifeguard uniform and headed for the shower before Nathan beat me to it.

With in a few minutes I came out ready to rock up for work, but first I need to catch a plane to Sydney. I made my way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

As I was purging my cereal my mum and dad cam into the room with present for my brother and I. "Aw thank you so much, I love you", I said as I unwrapped them and ate at the same time.

I finished un wrapping them and loved what I saw. 2 seasons of Blue Heelers, a Seapatrol bed spread and some sports clothing.

"Awesome, thank you", I cheered again. "Well we better be getting you to the airport soon", exclaimed my dad.

"yep, I'm already to go let me just grab my bags and put some of this away", I replied. With an extra bag than what I had arrived with I headed out the door and down the path.

I Shoved my bags into the back and jumped in the front seat beside my dad. As we pulled out of the drive way I yelled out "Happy birthday bro".

Not long after I was on the plane and about to land in Sydney...

After grabbing all my bags of the luggage conveyer belt I headed out side to find a taxi. As I walked along the pavement I spotted an empty looking taxi.

I picking up my bags and headed for until I felt a hand cover my eyes. "What's going on, do I know you", I asked as I heard giggles from more then one person from behind me.

I suddenly realized who it was. Maxi,Troy, Beardy and Reidy. "Surprise, Happy Birthday Taylor", they yelled as they jumped out from behind me.

"Aw thank you, what are you guys doing here?", I asked. "Well seeing as its your birthday we came to give you a lift", Reidy replied.

"What's this you've got here", Maxi asked grabbing a surf board from under my arm. "My surfboard I got for Chrissy", I answered

"Can we have a squiz", asked Troy. "Yeah sure, but hurry up some up. Some of us have work today", I grinned.

The boys unzipped the cover and looked pretty impressed. "Yew, looks great", said beardy. "Well lets get you to work then", Reidy said grabbing some of my bags.

We made it to Gonzo's car and I threw my stuff in. Half way to Bondi Maxi turned around to me and asked "Tay, do you know how to surf".

A bit in embarrassed to answer I replied with a quiet "No". "Great, your not doing anything after work today are you?", Maxi asked with a cheeky grin.

"Arh no, not as far as I know", I replied before getting Interrupted by Maxi again. "Great, Im going to teach you", he said.

Troy pulled up the car right outside the tower. "I need to drop this stuff off at my place", I queried. "No problem we can do it, Maxi has spare keys right?", Reidy replied. "Yep, sure do", Maxi answered.

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