Chapter 23- Coastal Rivals

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"Come on, 10 more push ups to go", Maxi yelled at me with encouragement. Myself and the rest of the boys not on patrol were all preparing for the coast titles, against fellow lifeguards from Cronulla, Wollongong and Maroubra.

There was sure enough to be a fierce competition against these lifeguards and plenty of rivalry beteen the teams. I finished my morning session and decided to go for a morning jog before work.

I started outside the Bondi pavilion and made my way to Bronte and back. As I was heading back towards Bondi I decided to take a detour up a short cut to the bus stop to grab a quick drink.

As I stepped outside the convenience store with a bottle of water in one hand, I caught a group of men stepping off the bus just a few meters in front.

These were not just any old lad walking off a bus, these were last years winners of the coast titles. The boys from Wollongong, Sure enough they were here to rub it in our faces how they have won the last 2 years straight.

I hadn't met the lifeguards from any of the others coastal clubs but I knew they were going to be tough competition. I made sure to keep a distance behind them seeing as they didn't know I was one of the Bondi crew yet.

As they proudly walked around to the front of the tower with the coastal titles trophy in their hands I snuck in the back door, hoping not to be seen.

"Look who it is", Chappo said as he nudged jesse in the side. They both smiled and tried to ignore the distractions and continue to work.

Although Bondi hadn't won in 4 years this was going to be our year, I just knew it. "What are you doing down there?", Maxi called from behind me.

"Oh, um", still in my day dream. "I'm just looking for this pin, I dropped", trying to seem legit. "Oh Okay, how's that going for ya?", Maxi asked with sarcasm.

"Great you know, oh look at that I just found it well I better be getting to back packers, see ya", I replied and ran out of the tower trying not to seem like a weirdo trying not to be seen by the other lifeguards.

I sprinted down the stairs and found Taco waiting on the bike for me. Just another one of those Bondi days in paradise. We reached our post and not much was happening.

"I'm going to go check on the people out the back okay", Taco stated. Clearly the people were in no trouble and weren't even in a dangerous spot. "Are you sure?, they don't seem like there in a lot of trouble", I replied.

"Better safe then sorry", he smirked. Taco grabbed our only patrol board near us and headed out. Up to his old tricks again, sure enough no one was in trouble and the only one endangering them was taco.

Surfing on the rescue boards was a big no no, but no matter how many time you tell taco he doesn't listen. I picked up the radio "Should he be doing that?", I asked. "Nah, he's going to hurt someone, don't worry I'll come down there", Maxi replied.

"Hang on, I got to go", I slammed down the radio and pulled off my shirt with no rescue equipment in site I had to go in with nothing.

Taco still mucking around and not even noticing someone in trouble. I sprinted a couple of meters up the beach and straight in the water. I kicked the water up with my legs and dived in under an oncoming wave.

Soon enough I was at a young female Chinese tourist. Finally managing to calm her down I waited for assistance. I signalled my arm above my head, but still taco continued, it wasn't until Maxi finally made his way out to us, that the patient got back onto shore.

Myself and Maxi standing on the waters edge still with no recondition from Taco that anything had happened, Maxi finally whistled at him.

"Arg that felt good man", Taco came in, pleased with himself. "What did you think you were doing?", Maxi asked in a strong toned voice. I had never really heard Maxi get angry before.

"I was just practicing you know, nothing was going on", Taco replied with his laid back style. "Apart from endangering swimmers lives and some one almost drowning, worst of all you threatened a colleagues life", Maxi stated in a protective way.

"I didn't know someone was drowning", Taco replied "No you didn't, and that's your job! I don't want to see you pull a stunt like that again, your patrols finished", Maxi said.

Taco placed his board on the bike and started it up. "Taylor you can come with me", Maxi called. "Sorry Taco", I whispered as I lifted myself into the blue rhino.

Soon enough it was race time.

Harries started us on a brilliant first run leg. Cronulla in front then Bondi, then Maroubra, then Bondi it was literally neck and neck. Harries was in the lead and quickly tagged Maxi who was making great progress in the swim leg.

We exited the water 3rd and I needed to make up time in the sprint leg and board paddle. "Haha", I could here the fellow lifeguards from Wollongong chuckle under their breath.

"You got a problem?", I asked "No no problem here, we just never had a girl compete before, haha", they continued. "What? you afraid cause your going to get smashed", I stated.

My feet left the sand and I sprinted down the long stretch of sand ahead . I was the first one tagged. with my board underneath me and my heart pumping full of adrenaline my arms smashed through the water.

One after another, I gained more speed and power. I turned around the boye and I was still in lead but I had Maroubra and Wollongong right on my tail.

As we exited the water Maroubra were slightly ahead. With 100 metres to go I gave it everything I had. My arms pumped and I lost control of my legs. As I could feel Wollongong come up behind me I felt my legs fall beneath me.

I didn't trip over my own feet I was sabotaged by there sprinter. I found my feet and bolted, making my way in front of everyone and tagging bacon first.

Finally finding my breath, this was the last leg. Finally a winner amerged from the water.

It was Bacon. Bondi. We had finally done it after all these years. "Yay", WOOO WHO, YEW", we all cheered in excitement.

Although not all the teams had played fair we had fun. Defeating the odds, girls can do anything. Even if some people doubt us.

"What's it feel like?", I called as I walked up to the Wollongong lifeguard that had tripped me. "Excuse me, I don't understand", He answered in confusion. "To lose", I replied as I smiled and turned around.

Good things do always happen to the nice guys or should I say people :). "Well its time to announce our 2013 coastal titles winners", corey said through the megaphone.

"Our 2013 winners are Waverley council (Bondi) ", he announced.

"Go and grab it", Tom said. 

I walked over whilst everyone cheered and clapped.

I took the plark and held it above my head. We had won.

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