Chapter 16- Home Again

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"Beep, Beep", I could here come from the front of my apartment block. I opened the balcony blinds to see Ollie sitting in his car.

I wondered what he wanted. I unlatched the apartment door and ran down the stairs, opening the front door and out to the drive way.

"what are you doing here Ollie, shouldn't you be at work soon?", I asked.

"well its my day off and how else are you going to get to the airport by yourself", he replied with giving me a smile.

"come in, I still need to get some stuff ready", I exclaimed running back inside.

Making my way to the end of the hall and into the main bedroom I grabbed my bags that were already packed and dragged them towards the door.

As I came to the door Ollie was standing there with his arms out in front. "what are you doing?", I said.

"load me up, your majesty", he smirked.

I grabbed my bags and handed them to Ollie to carry to the car. I made my way back to the bedroom and packed the last of my stuff.

"Heres the last one", I called to Ollie

I dropped the bag at the door and headed into each room to check they were clean and that I hadn't left anything.

Ollie came back up the stairs and was waiting for me at the door. "Well I'm ready to go", I exclaimed to Ollie locking the door behind me.

We made our way back down stairs and to the front drive way. I didn't know how long it would be till I would be back here again.

"Off to the airport it is", Ollie called.

I gave Ollie a smile and with that we were off. After a short ride we had arrived at the airport. Ollie grabbed out my little bit of luggage from his car and handed it to me.

"Well I guess this is goodbye", I said.

"It was nice having you here, I hope you learnt something out of it", Ollie replied

After a short hug I made my way into the front door of the airport. I hadn't booked a ticket yet. I was suppose to be getting a taxi to brisbane tomorrow to head home for Christmas but I desbritly need to head to Bondi first.

I rushed to the counter and quickly bought a ticket to the next flight to Sydney. Leaving in half an hour I made my way to the gates and headed straight onboard.

After a couple of hours of flying the plane touch down in Sydney. 1 and a bit day in Bondi before I would be going back to Brisbane for chrissy.

It was about almost 11am and I reached the club house once again. The beach look packed thousands of people everywhere.

As I was making my way upstairs to my room I bumped into maxi who look like he was in a rush.

"woah Taylor your back, I didn't think you were coming back till after Christmas", Maxi said

"just back for today and tomorrow", I replied.

"Awesome we need you down at Bondi pronto", maxi said as he continued on his way.

"now", I yelled out to him

"yep", he replied running out of the doors.

I quickly made my way to my room and dumbed my stuff inside. Frantically searching for my uniform I found it in a draw.

Quickly getting dressed and slamming the door behind me I sprinted down stairs and out the door.

In no time I made my way to the tower. It looked like mayhem down here. Blue bottles, rips pulling in all direction and thousands or people.

Hoppo meet me at the door.

"Taylor, I know you just got back and your not roosted on but we need all the help we can get", Hoppo exclaimed.

"yep that no problem", I answered

"Go with taco he's on his way to the skate bowl", Hoppo insisted.

I sprinted down the stairs and onto the back of the rhino. "what we got?", I asked.

"A blow to the head apparently", taco answered.

"So you must be Taylor, I've heard a lot about you. I'm the new guy on the block taco's my name", he exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you taco, looks pretty busy here today", I relied.

In no Time we made our way to the skate bowl. I grabbed the first aid kit from the back of the rhino and we sprinted down to the centre of the bowl.

In the middle of the bowl laid a young boy with a few men standing over him.

"who can tell us what's happened", Taco asked as I assisted the boy.

"I need you to keep very still and don't move your head, everything's going to be fine", I exclaimed

"Now do you have any pain anywhere", I asked

"only in my shoulder",the boy explained.

Taco made his way back to where I was standing. "according to witnesses he's popped his shoulder when falling", taco exclaimed

"he doesn't have a pain any where else so should we move him out?", I asked

"Yeah it's just his shoulder apparently and we need to get him out of this heat", taco replied.

Myself and a few other skaters grabbed the young boy named jake trying not to hurt his shoulder anymore and started to walk towards the wall.

Taco had made his way out of the bowl and we passed jake up.

we made our way with jake to the edge of the skate bowl. I opened the first aid kit and set up the green whistle with the help of taco.

"you need to continuously suck on this, it'll taste yuck to start with but it gets better", we explained to jake.

Shortly after the ambo's arrived.

After giving out the details and phoning jakes parents we finally made our way back to the tower.

More and more blue bottle victims were making their way to the tower.

The mayhem on Bondi had begun.

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