Chapter 24- Brush with The Bra Boys...

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"See you later, bye", I called out to Chappo and Maxi as I headed down into the surf. I had my board under my arm as I hit the water.

I threw down my board in front of me and jumped on. After a few weeks I was finally getting better at surfing and today I was going to head out further.

One arm after another I paddled out. Waiting for the perfect wave or at least something that wasn't going to dumb me I spotted a group of young men heading out.

All covered in tattoos that appeared to look the same as each other I didn't want to mess with them. Finally a decent set was rolling through.

I turned around and paddled as quick as I could. Possibly the biggest wave I had ever surfed even though it wasn't what you would call big if you were someone like Kerr box or whippet but you know.

I had my hands on the rails and push up, keeping my balance so that I wouldn't fall off. As I went to turn another surfer, one of the guys who had entered with the other blokes swiped past my board.

Nearly missing him, that was a close one. I pulled off the wave and went over it. Deciding it was a bit dangerous with all these other surfers I decided to move closer to the reef, hoping for some swell and a little less surfers.

Anther wave appeared. I got onto it when suddenly I got cut off by another surfer. Yet again another one of the group.

I immediately fell and got washed around on the bottom. Rock after rock I smashed against the bottom. It was time I got out of there.

I felt myself get pulled to the top as another waved rolled past. I grabbed my board and walked in battered and bruised I pulled my self onto the sand.

"Are you alright", a familiar voice called. It sounded like one of the boys from work but I couldn't make out who it was.

My head hit the sand and the pain felt like it had gone away. I could still hear a voice but my vision was vain.

Suddenly it snapped and I was back, I opened my eyes and said "I'm fine, really I'm all good", Refocusing my vision.

At last I finally worked out who it was. Jesse, but he had the same tattoos as the others what was going on?

"Are you sure, you're okay?", he insisted to ask me over and over again. "Yeah all good just a few cuts and bruises", I replied.

"You idiot, what do you think you were doing?", Jesse jumped up and yelled at one of the men. "I didn't see her, anyway she didn't have the right of passage", He argued back.

"She only a beginner, apologise", Jesse demanded.

"No", the man yelled back as he turned away. "I said Apologise", Jesse yelled.

"Make me", He argued.

"Let's go, I'll take you home", Jesse said not wanting to get into a fight.

He picked me up by my shoulders and stood me straight, this wasn't going to be the most painful part.

"Who we're those guys, why do you all have the same tattoos?", I inquired. "Bra Boys, we're not always like that. You know sometimes tensions fly, that understandable", he answered.

"A gang. Your in a gang?", I stuttered. "Not a gang, just a group of brother brought together by surfing and stuff, it's hard to explain", Replied Jesse.

"I'll be fine to go the rest of the way, Thanks Jesse", I said as we came to the bottom of the club house. "Are you sure?", Jesse asked. "Yeah, thanks again bye", I replied as I pushed open the door.

Slowly I made my way up the stairs and to the door of my room. I pulled out my keys and places it inside the door.

Just as the door unlocked Maxi came up behind me. "Woah, what happened to you", He frowned. "Nothing just a brush with one of the bra boys on the reef", I replied.

"Are you okay", Maxi asked "Yeah it's all good, nothing to worry about",I answered as I walked into my room.

I shut the door and shoved my surf board against the cupboard doors. Slowly I unzipped my wetsuit with slashes through it and pulled it off steadily.

Blood splashed as I finally got the wet suit off my arm. A massive gash, I grabbed a towel and held it against the gash with my other arm.

How was I going to be able to grab a bandage with out getting blood all over the flat. I held my arm above my head and made my way into the first aid cupboard a quick as possible.

I grabbed out a bandage and started to wrap as neat as possible with only one hand. Finally I had stopped the bleeding and I could get on with the rest of my injuries.

I splashed disinfectant over all my cuts from head to toe. A bruise across my rib cage turned purple. "Why did this have to of happened to me?", I thought to myself , and how was I going to keep it a secret.

I woke up the next day, not very excited about having to go to work. Possibly the first time I hadn't wanted to turn up. "Maybe I should pull a sickie", I thought.

I didn't Want to let the team down though. I decided it would be a good idea to rewrap my arm again.

After about another 20 minutes wasted I pulled on my long sleeve jumper hoping it would be able to cover some of the scratches and defiantly my arm.

It hurt to laugh and I defiantly didn't fell like having to rescue anyone today. "Morning", Hoppo called as I walked into the tower.

"Morning", I replied. "So your going to be at south corner with Jesse this morning is that alright. "Ummm do you mind if we take patrol up here first", I hesitated.

"Um sure", Hoppo replied.

The flags were set and I was happy to be in one of the comfy chairs in the tower. Jesse finally arrived and defiantly knew something wasn't right.

"How come you didn't want to go to south first this morning that's not like you", he inquired with suspicion. "Yeah I know just a change of place you know", I pretended to smile.

"Are you alright after yesterday?", he quizzed me. "Yeah fine, that was yesterday what's passed has passes", I replied.

I pulled off my jacket as the temperature sawed. Part of my long sleeve shirt caught and part of the bandage was exposed.

Hoping Jesse didn't see it I quickly pulled my sleeve back down. "What's that?", Jesse gave me a serious look.

"Just a little gash", I replied.

"Have you been to the medical centre yet", he asked. "No", I looked a my feet.

Maxi and Tom walked through the door, we had an half an hour break till we needed to be back. "Come on I'm taking you now", Jesse insisted.

"Taylor", a doctor called. I picked up my back pack and walked into the small white room and shut the door behind me.


I opened the door, threw my bag on my back and headed back out. "Lets go Jesse", I called. "what happened did you get stitches?", he asked.

"Something like 10, doesn't hurt though, let's get back to work", I replied.


"What happened to you?", Hoppo said as we walked through the door. "Arg I just needed to get a couple of stitches for a gash I got yesterday", I answered "By a couple she means 10",Jesse interrupted.

"Best be you stay in here or go home", Hoppo said.

"Don't worry boss I'm not going anywhere", I replied.

How was it I always seemed to get hurt here. 


Thanks for reading this far, this book has much more to come. I hope you are enjoying it. Leave a comment if you want and please vote. A new chapter should be up in a few days. 


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