slow dancing in a burning room (requested)

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You could feel the eyes on you as soon as you took a seat at the front of the bar and ordered your drink.

You quickly looked to see where they were coming from and you instantly locked eyes with one of the most gorgeous girls you've ever seen.

She was sipping on a drink too. She had a couple of friends by her side but as they spoke to her, she just continued to stare at you.

You were a little flustered. You've never felt so flattered before. You've caught some people's attention before, but it felt different with this beautiful girl.

You didn't know her name but you seriously hoped by the end of the night, maybe with the help of a few more drinks, you'd get the courage to ask her that.

"Rosé!" Someone yelled from across the room and you quickly looked to find the guy walking toward the girl with a guitar in his hands. "We are so happy to have you and the girls here tonight. Would you please play us a song?"

"Oh, I-I don't know." She chuckled nervously as she sipped on her drink some more.

"Oh, come on, Rosie! Go wow everyone here." One of her friends encouraged and soon enough, other people in the bar were doing the same.

"Okay." She caved and took the guitar from the gentlemen before walking toward the stage. She took a seat on the chair they'd put up there for her and quickly put the guitar on her lap.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Rosé."

Everyone cheered very loudly. You felt like the odd one out. You felt like people around you recognized her, but you didn't know who she was.

You did know her name now though and you fell fast when you saw that smile. It took your breath away, causing it to hitch in your throat. You swear you've never seen someone so beautiful in your life.

Her beauty wasn't just on the outside though. You could already see her inner beauty shining through, making her somehow more beautiful on the inside than the out; which said a lot.

"I didn't expect to perform tonight. So, I'm just going to sing a song I love. It's called slow dancing in a burning room."

And if you hadn't fallen already, you definitely did when you heard her beautiful voice.

"It's not a silly little moment. It's not the storm before the calm. This is the deep and dyin' breath of this love that we've been working on. Can't seem to hold you like I want to, so I can feel you in my arms. Nobody's gonna come and save you. We pulled too many false alarms."

You were mesmerized and you couldn't help but smile when you realized, as she sang, that she was staring right at you.

You sipped on your drink, biting at the straw as you tried to hide the grin on your face. You haven't even met her yet you're feeling happier than you have in quite some time.

When she finished, everyone cheered and clapped loudly for her. You did the same, hoping she knew that you were just as blown away as everyone else.

You turned around to order another drink since you'd finished the one in your hand.

As you waited, you heard someone clear their throat and sit on the chair beside you. You quickly turned your head and your breath hitched again when you saw it was Rosé.

"Oh. Hello."

"Hi!" She smiled. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here and coming up to you."

"I was kinda hoping you would sometime tonight." You confessed and her eyes lit up. She ordered a drink too, getting the same thing as you.


"Rosé," you interrupted. "I know. I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you."

"It's very nice to meet you." She said.

"You seem to have a lot of fans in this bar." You said as you looked around, noticing a couple of people across the room were taking a photo of her.

"Not just in this bar. They're everywhere around the world. I love what I do, but sometimes I wish I could just be normal for five minutes."

You furrowed your eyebrows, gazing at her in complete confusion.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand."

"Wait," she said, clearly puzzled over why you seemed so confused over her confession. "You don't know who I am?"

"Should I? I mean, I know you're Rosé,"

"Please," she cut you off. "Please call me Rosie."

"Okay. Rosie." You corrected and she smiled brightly once more. "But you don't look familiar to me. I'm sorry, am I missing something?"

"No!" She said quickly and felt this weight lift from her chest. "Forget I said anything about that. I just... love music."

"I can tell. You've got a beautiful voice. You should pursue music."

She couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

You kept talking to her, but she was completely zoned out. She was too busy staring at you, admiring you, and realizing that you had absolutely no clue who she was.

She can't seem to remember the last time that she's met someone normal that didn't recognize her. They always treat her like Rosé, the girl from BLACKPINK. The superstar, the phenomenon.

It felt so surreal. Especially when it was coming from you; the girl that she was falling head over heels for.

"Rosie? You listening?" You giggled as you tapped her hand.

She swore that her heart stopped for a moment. Your touch felt... perfect.

"I'm sorry. I was too busy staring at you."

You laughed.

"Oh, stop it."

"I'm serious. You're really beautiful, y/n. I know we haven't known each other for long but you're so different from everyone else and... I really like you. Would you like to go out sometime?"

"I'd love that. I feel the same about you."

You handed her your phone and she put her number in before she let you do the same to her phone.

"I have to go. I have a busy morning. But, how about dinner tomorrow? I'll text you the details."

"I'd love that. Have a good night, Rosie. Can't wait to see you tomorrow."

She grabbed her things and paid her bill before secretly paying yours for you as well before she walked out, leaving you grinning like crazy as you thought about her and your date tomorrow night.

You've never been more excited.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now