you can hold my hand (requested)

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Rosie gave your hand a comforting squeeze as she watched you nervously bounce your knee in the lab room in the hospital.

You just got the news that you'll be getting surgery in a couple of days. It came as a surprise, especially since there's so much you have to get done before the day comes.

It's causing all of the alarms to go off in your brain, making you feel anxious as you try to keep yourself together so you don't fall apart in front of a few strangers and, of course, your girlfriend.

Rosie was about to speak when the nurse suddenly announced your name and told you both to come back.

You stood up and walked back with Rosie's arm around you. The nurse sent you a friendly smile, promising to return in just a minute after she grabs the things she'll need to take your labs.

"Want to tell me what's on your mind?" Rosie asked as she sat on the floor in front of you, letting you have the only chair in the room since you need it more than she does right now, anyway.

"Baby, talk to me." She whispered softly, laying a little kiss to your knee in comfort.

"I'm just scared. I knew I'd need the surgery but it's only in a couple of days. I didn't think it'd be so soon."

"Well, you're sick, baby. They want to get you feeling better as soon as they can." She spoke softly and you nodded understandingly.

"It's scary."

"I know." She sighed. "I know you're feeling scared. But you don't need to be. The surgeon has done this many, many times. I trust him, you should too."

You just shrugged your shoulders wordlessly.

"You're in safe hands, my love. Not just during the surgery, but after. I'm already planning on taking some time off to take care of you."

"Rosie, you can't,"

"What are they going to do? Fire me?" She interrupted with a small smile. "You're my everything. You're going to need some time to heal and recover. You'll need to be taken care of and I'm going to be the one to do it and no one is going to stop me from that."

"Thank you." You smiled as she brushed her fingertips along your knee in comfort.

"I'll be right by your side until they tell me I can't be. I'll try to be there when they put you under and I'll be right there when you open your eyes. I'll spoil you as soon as I get the chance to, get you all of your favorite foods and we'll watch all of your favorite movies while you recover. And, I'll get you anything you want from the gift shop."

You giggled and intertwined your fingers with hers.

"It's scary, you're anxious, I understand completely. But everything is going to be just fine. You don't have to worry, because I'll be by your side every step of the way. You're a tough cookie, you're going to be fine in no time. That I know."

"I love you, Rosie."

"I love you too." She said before giving you a sweet kiss, only pulling away when the nurse returned.

"Ready?" She asked as she gathered the needle and the vials.

You took a deep breath and nodded.

"You can hold my hand, baby," Rosie said as she moved to sit on the floor by your side so the nurse could stand in front of you.

You wrapped your other hand in Rosie's and felt her kiss your forehead softly as the needle went into your vein.

It was uncomfortable, but, thankfully, it was over in just a few minutes.

You got the permission to leave, finally done for the day.

"Ready to go home and curl up in bed? We'll just cuddle and watch some movies for the day. Okay?"

"I'd like that." You smiled at Rosie as you laid your head on her chest as you walked out the doors of the hospital.

In just a couple of days, you'll return for your surgery.

But you're not as scared as you once were. You know you'll be alright with Rosé there to take care of you.

You know she'll be right there with you through everything, and she's all you ever need.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now