calling her by her full name in front of the girls (requested)

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"Rosie!" You excitedly greeted your girlfriend as she walked through the front door. "You're home! How was your day?"

"Fine." She said before breathing out a heavy sigh.

It was obvious that her day had been anything but fine.

She looked so stressed out and so exhausted and all you wanted to do was bring her into your embrace to give her the biggest and most comforting hug imaginable to hlp her feel a little better.

"Do you need a hug, my love?" You asked and opened your arms.

But when you heard three familiar giggles nearing your front door, you knew Rosé hadn't come home alone like you hoped she would.

The girls appeared in your shared home only a second later.

They closed the door and kicked off their shoes, knowing they could let loose and relax now.

"I didn't know the girls would be coming over today." You quietly told your girlfriend as you dropped your arms.

"They're over almost every day. It's no big deal." She said.

"Rosie, baby, that's exactly my point." You told her as you gently grabbed her hand.

You pulled her a few feet across the room, away from the girls a bit so they wouldn't hear you.

"Look, I love hanging out with the girls. But I love you and I miss you. It's like we barely spend time together anymore."

She breathed out a long, heavy sigh before you put your hands on her shoulders.

"You're so tense." You said as you rubbed her shoulders. "Can't we just have one night alone? I want to make you feel better. I know you're stressed out. We could take a bath together or I could give you a massage while we watch your favorite films or a show that you've been wanting to binge-watch. I'll cook or order something. Whatever you want."

The girls all stepped closer and Rosie pushed your hands away from her as she shook her head.

"You know what I want, Y/N? To spend time with my friends. If I wanted any of that stuff, I'd say so. But I want to be with the girls right now. Not you. So go away and stop bugging me."

Her words usually would've cut you deep.

They might've caused a few tears to fall from your eyes and your heart to break.

But you only felt anger and frustration at that moment because you hadn't done anything to your girl aside from trying to help make her feel better.

You didn't deserve that and you weren't going to take it.

"Park Chaeyoung!" You yelled loudly as she and the girls headed for the stairs, stomping your foot on the floor.

But they all froze as soon as they heard that anger in your voice, your girlfriend especially.

"Y-Yes, baby?" She stammered, a little afraid.

"You do not talk to me that way! I didn't do a damn thing to you other than try and be here for you and make you feel better. I know you've been under a lot of pressure and stress, so I thought I'd help. I know you need a little time to relax and I'm just trying to be here for you. I didn't deserve to be spoken to like that. You know it just as well as I do."

Your jaw was clenched and your arms were folded over your chest as you glared at her.

"That was unnecessary and mean. If you'd rather hang out with the girls, fine. But to say it like that wasn't okay."

You were being serious.

Dead serious.

And the look on Rosie's face had the girls all bursting into laughter.

She hadn't expected to hear you yell at her that way nor did she expect to hear you call her by her full name.

And in front of her friends?

It made her realize quite quickly how out of line she'd been and she felt foolish for it.

"I'm waiting for my apology." You said.

Rosé pushed past the girls and hurried over to you before throwing her arms around you.

She felt so guilty and so bad for the way she had spoken to you.

"I'm so sorry. Truly, my love, I am so sorry."

"Why'd you speak to me that way? It was uncalled for."

"I know." She sighed as she pulled away from the hug. "You were right when you said I'm stressed and under a lot of pressure. It's getting the best of me. I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it."

"I know you wouldn't. But it still wasn't okay to say. If you want to hang out with the girls, I'm okay with that, no matter how much I miss spending time with you. I want you to relax and be happy always and if spending time with them makes you feel better, then that's fine with me. But to say what you said... it hurt my feelings a little."

"I'm sorry, baby," She said as she gazed into your eyes.

She watched you wordlessly nod your head before she looked back at the girls.

"I think I'm going to spend the evening with Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow." She told the girls.

They nodded and started to head for the door, grabbing their shoes as they giggled together.

"What's with all the giggling?" Rosie wondered.

"You know what!" Jennie laughed.

"I swear, Y/N, I'll never do anything to anger you. I never want to hear you call me Kim Jisoo like that! It was scary!" Jisoo said as she squeezed your shoulder, causing Lisa and Jennie to laugh harder.

"Ha ha, you're so funny. I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts." Rosé sarcastically spoke to Jisoo.

"Well, now we know a trick to get Rosie to do whatever it is that we want," Lisa said.

You just laughed and watched them go as Rosé pouted.

"They're never going to stop teasing me for that."

"You had it coming." You reminded her.

"I know I did. Again, I'm sorry. I just took my stress and frustrations out on you with my bad mood and you didn't deserve it at all. Will you please forgive me?" She asked as she gave you those sad brown eyes.

"Fine. Only if you promise to never talk to me like that again."

"I promise!" She said as she wrapped her pinky finger around yours. "I love you lots. Can I make it up to you by ordering food and giving you a massage?"

"That's what I offered to do for you." You chuckled.

"Yeah but you deserve the same. I'm not the only one who works hard." She said, smiling a little after you pecked her lips.

"Okay. I'll give you a massage and you can give me one too."

"Deal, baby!" She said as she pecked your lips once more and then pulled you up the stairs, looking forward to spending the evening with you.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang