when you struggle to open a jar (requested)

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"Hi, my love. How long until dinner is done?" You asked as you came up behind Rosé, kissing her shoulder softly.

The smell of the food she's been spending the last little while making for the two of you to share is so delicious that your mouth is watering.

"Just a few minutes." She said, looking at you with a bright smile.

"Yay! I'm so excited, it smells amazing!"

"I'm happy you're enjoying it. I've been looking forward to sharing a good dinner with my girl." She said. "If there's something you want with it though, it might be a few more minutes."

You shook your head and went to the fridge.

"I know the perfect thing to go with dinner tonight!" You said and Rosie looked over to you as you closed the fridge door, curious as to what you had in mind.

She saw the unopened jar of pickles and shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess that would work with tonight's meal." She said. "Can you finish working on this while I open that jar for you?"

"I can open this jar on my own, thank you very much." You said as you placed the jar of pickles on the counter.

"Since when? I've always had to open the jar for you."

"Well, not this time!" You said and started to try and turn the jar. "You keep finishing cooking. I can open this just fine on my own. You'll see!"

"Okay. Whatever you say, sweet girl." She said and turned her back to you as she continued to finish cooking the food for another moment.

She could hear the grunts falling from your lips as you struggled with all your might to turn the lid on the jar.

By now, you'd usually give up and have Rosé do it.

But today, you want to prove her wrong and open it on your own.

So, despite the struggle, you were determined to get this open and not ask her for any help.

Rosie turned the burner off as the food finished cooking and after moving it onto another one of the burners, she turned around and watched in amusement.

"Babe, I'm done now. If you need help, just say so."

"I don't need help!" You insisted but groaned as you continued to try and open it, only for you to keep failing.

You stepped away from the jar and Rosie thought you'd given up, so she stepped closer to the counter, only for you to stop her.

"I can do it, baby!" You said and watched as she stepped back once more.

You grabbed a towel and put it over the lid before trying to turn it open that way, hoping that you'd hear that familiar pop soon.

But the more you tried and the more you persisted, the hungrier and more impatient your girlfriend got.

"Y/N, baby, come on. I'm hungry. Let me open it and I'll buy you a new jar to open on your own later."

"No, Rosie, I want to do this on my own. I'll be just another minute." You said, continuing to refuse any help from her.

"Y/N," She whined. "I'm hungry."

"Then get a plate of food and go sit at the table to eat. I'll be only a second. I can get this on my own."

"I don't want to sit down and start eating without you." She said and watched you continue to struggle.

You threw the towel onto the counter beside the jar with a huff.

"Can I open it now?" She asked as you turned around to face her.

"Not yet."

"But the food is going to get cold. By the time you open it, I'll have to turn the burner back on and heat the food back up!" She whined once more and adorably stomped her feet on the floor, impatiently watching and waiting.

"It won't get cold because I'm going to open it in just a second. Promise!"

She sighed, mumbling quietly about how stubborn you are as you grabbed a spoon from the drawer.

"What are you doing with that, baby?" She wondered as she fixed her ponytail, watching you closely. "Please don't hurt yourself."

"Come on, open!" You frustratingly yelled as you banged the spoon on the lid.

But after a few tries of doing that and then attempting to open the jar only to repeat the same cycle again and again, you realized it wasn't working.

And with a pout on your lips, you turned to face your girlfriend, who stood behind you with a smirk on her lips.


"Yes, baby girl?" She spoke in amusement, a smile pulling at her lips.

"I can't open it."

She giggled before coming up to you.

"I've got it. Watch and learn, darling,"

She kissed the back of your neck softly before she grabbed the jar.

With one hand on the side and the other on the lid, she turned it and you heard that popping sound you've been waiting to hear.

"Imagine if you'd given up sooner. We could've been halfway through dinner by now." She teased as she tickled your sides.

"Very funny!" You said as you stuck your tongue out at her, holding back a giggle as she did the same in return. "You're welcome, by the way."

"For what, babe?" She laughed.

"For loosening it for you!"

"Oh, really? That's what you think you did, cutie?" She asked as she put her hands on her hips.

"Yes. That's how you got it open so easily. You're welcome!" You smiled and kissed her cheek before grabbing the jar and carrying it to the table.

And all your girlfriend could do was playfully roll her eyes before watching you from across the room, swearing that you make her fall even more in love with you every day.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now