I'll keep you safe (requested)

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You pulled Rosie's hoodie over your head as you tried to hurry home. You felt incredibly uncomfortable as you walked through the streets.

It wouldn't be much longer until you got home, but it was getting late and you felt like someone was watching you with every step you took.

You drove to work this morning but, of course, with your luck, your car wouldn't start as you were about to leave.

You had to get it towed to the shop and Rosie told you this morning that she'd be stuck in practice until late.

You didn't want to bother her, so you decided since it wasn't a bad night and the house wasn't too far, you'd just walk.

You kept walking and you kept your head up and your phone in your front pocket. You had your bag wrapped around your body securely so no one could come up and try to steal it.

You kept telling yourself it wouldn't be too much longer. You recognize where you're at now. Home is only a few blocks away, although it felt like it was going to take you hours more to get there.

You had a bad feeling in your gut. You walked faster, letting your feet carry you as fast as they'd go.

But it wasn't fast enough. You heard the footsteps approaching you from behind. You tried not to look back and keep walking, faster and faster.

But you froze suddenly when you heard the terrifying sound of what seemed like a gun cocking from behind you.

You were frozen in fear as you heard the footsteps getting closer and closer until the person stood directly behind you.

And then, you heard what sounded like a firework right in your ear, followed by the worst pain you've ever felt in your life rushed over you.

It took you down to the ground, left you gasping for breath and grasping for something to clutch as the pain came from your left side and became excruciating instantly.

Whoever shot you must've felt satisfied with their work because they ran as soon as you hit the ground. But not before they stole your bag, keeping you from trying to call out for help.

But you weren't alone.

By some sort of stroke of luck, you heard people rushing to you and caught a glimpse of a couple who had seen you.

As soon as they were by your side and you heard someone using their phone to call for help, you gave into letting your heavy eyes close.

You've never felt so tired before. You couldn't even try to keep your eyes open any longer. Not even when the man was asking you to stay with them and what your name was.

You don't remember anything that happened after that. You only remember bits and pieces, like when the medics arrived and rushed you to the hospital and then hearing a doctor say that they had to get you into surgery before everything turned black again.

You didn't wake up for what was a few long and terrifying hours for the girls and especially Rosé.

You heard the beep coming from the machine as it tracked every beat of your heart.

You heard Rosie's voice as she quietly pleaded for you to wake up, followed by the sound of her sobs and the feeling of her hand gripping yours tighter than you've ever felt before.

You moved around just a little on the uncomfortable bed, only to feel a sharp pain in your back.

"Y/N?" You heard Rosie say, her voice trembling as if she was in shock and disbelief.

You managed to open your eyes as you felt her hand stroke your cheek ever so gently.

"Y/N? Are you awake? Oh, please tell me you're awake," she pleaded.

"I'm awake." You mumbled as you opened your eyes.

Instantly, you met hers.

They swam with tears and you watched her lower lip wobble as a couple of them fell down her already tear-stained cheeks.

"You're awake! You're okay!"

Her shoulders slumped as she felt a huge weight lift from her chest. Her heart stopped feeling so heavy, although it was still shattered from how she'd seen you before you went back.

"Are you hurting, baby?"

"A little."

"Do you remember what happened?" She asked as she hit the red button on the wall and soon, a doctor was walking in.

You slowly nodded, your heart beginning to beat faster as the memory of what went down came flooding back to you with a rush of fear too.

"Did they find who did it?"

"Not yet." She said quietly. "But they're looking. There was a couple who helped you, they caught a glimpse of the person. they're looking. They'll find him."

"What if they don't?"

"They will, baby, I promise. Trust me on that. I'll make sure that this person is caught. I swear it."

You nodded and felt a little relief as you got a little pain medication in you.

"You didn't tell me your car wouldn't start. Why didn't you call me? I would've left practice to pick you up."

"I know you and the girls have a lot to get done. I didn't want to bother."

She sighed sadly and put her forehead on your arm, brushing her lips lovingly against your skin.

"You could never."

"I'm sorry, Rosie."

"Don't be. Please don't apologize, none of this was anyone's fault except whoever hurt you. Trust me when I say all that I care about is you being safe and sound and recovering well."

You closed your eyes and leaned into her touch as she stroked your cheek once more.

"Can I do anything to make you feel any better? Are you hurting at all?"

"Yeah... my lips are a little sore. You should kiss me to make it better."

She giggled happily, a teary smile tugging at her lips before she gave you a short but sweet kiss.

But she pulled away not long after she pressed her lips onto yours as the hospital room door opened.

"She's awake!" Lisa gasped and she, along with Jennie and Jisoo, quickly rushed to your sides.

Jisoo handed you a couple of things she got from the gift shop, a bear that said get well soon, as well as some candy and some small balloons that said 'I love you' on them.

"Rosie wanted to get you the bear and we got the other stuff for you. We hope you like it."

"I do. Thank you." You smiled at them and they quickly returned a smile back to you and Rosie, who held your hand and kept kissing you.

"You've got a lot of recovering to do." Jennie sighed. "But we know you can do it. If you need anything, either of you, let us know. You scared us a lot and we want to help in any way that we can if we get the chance."

"We'll let you know," Rosie said as she brought your hand to her lips.

"Well, you've been through a lot and you should try to sleep. We'll visit you tomorrow."

The three girls said their goodbyes and as soon as they were out the door, they hugged each other with tears of happiness and sighs of relief, thankful that you were going to be okay in time.

"Promise me if I go to sleep, you won't leave?"

"They couldn't get me out of here even if they tried. Trust me, baby girl. I'm not going anywhere." Rosie said as she brushed her hand along your forehead and watched you close your eyes.

"Everything will be just fine, y/n. I'm going to make sure of it. Whoever hurt you isn't going to get away with this. They'll get caught. Until then, you're stuck with me by your side every minute of every day. I'll keep you safe. I'm even hiring a guard to be with you at all times if the girls and I can't for any reason. You're going to be safe and sound. I promise you, my love."

She brushed her thumb along your knuckles as you slept soundly. She swore she wouldn't dare leave your side. No one and nothing was ever going to hurt you again. She wouldn't allow it.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now