toxic friends (requested)

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Before you read this chapter, I'm just leaving this here to remind you all that you're all beautiful and worthy of love no matter what anyone else says. Never forget how much I love you all! 🖤💞


"Hey, good to see you," Rosie politely greeted your friends as she opened the front door.  "Y/N is still getting ready but she won't be much longer I'm sure. Take a seat. We'll be ready to go soon."

Your friends all sat down in the living room and thanked Rosie for letting them in as she walked upstairs to you.

"Baby! Are you almost ready? Your friends are here." Rosie said as she knocked on the bathroom door.

"Okay, I'll be out in a second." You said back to her. "Can you go keep them company for me?"

Rosé did not like that idea.

She doesn't like your friends, although she's never vocalized that to anyone, especially not you.

She can't explain why but she always has a bad feeling about them.

They don't ever seem to be, well, friendly.

She sees the looks they give you and she despises them for it but she'd never tell you that because it would crush you.

Tonight, your friends asked to hang out and they wanted Rosie to tag along, which she was happy about because she got to be with you while you're around them and that makes her feel a little better.

"Sure, baby." She said, biting her tongue. "We'll see you down there."

Heading out of the bedroom, she made her way down the hall and then a couple of steps, before she heard something that made her freeze.

"I wonder what she's gonna wear tonight."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure she'll look gross in it, as always."

They laughed loudly while Rosie's heart broke a little.

"How do you think she managed to land Rosé? Have you seen how hot she is? And then to be stuck with someone like Y/N. Someone so annoying and disgusting. Talk about opposites attracting."

Your friends burst into laughter once again.

"There is nothing in this world that Y/N would look good in. I wonder how long it'll take for Rosé to admit that she should be with someone else, someone like one of us."

"Maybe if we keep inviting her along with us on these things and keep dressing as we do, she'll realize how much better she could do."

Rosé had never felt so angry in her life.

She clenched her fists and clenched her jaw as she stormed down the stairs.

Going to the door, she opened it and looked at your friends.

"Get out of my house!" She yelled loudly.

"What?" One of them laughed.

"Is something funny? Because I'm not joking. I said get out of my house!"

"Rosie, what's going on?" You asked as you hurried down the stairs.

"See? I told you!" Another of your friends giggled. "Look at her! Look how bad she looks."

A lump appeared in your throat right away as you suddenly felt self-conscious.

"No, Y/N, don't you dare listen to them. They think you look bad? My beautiful girl? Clearly, they haven't taken a look in the mirror lately."

Your friends scoffed and gasped in shock, as if they couldn't believe what Rosie had said.

"Yeah, you heard me loud and clear. You should be ashamed of yourselves. The whole time you were up there getting ready, they were running their mouths, baby. And, apparently, they think they have a shot with me. Which is foolish. As if I'd ever want to be with someone like them."

Rosie wrinkled her nose in disgust as she looked at them.

"We're out of here!"

"Good! Why don't you let the door hit you on the way out?" Rosé yelled as they all walked away.

"Oh, by the way, in case you haven't noticed, we're no longer your friends, Y/N."

Rosie slammed the door as you sat down on the bottom step of the staircase.

"Can you believe them? How deluded!"

You stared at your hands in your lap as tears stung your eyes.

"Baby," Rosie sighed as she came over and sat down next to you. "What they said, the names they called you, they couldn't be more wrong."

You sniffled as she rubbed your back, head hung in sadness.

"I don't have any friends now."

"Y/N, you deserve better friends than them. If that's the way they talked to you to your face and in our house knowing that you could've heard every word, they had no respect for you anyways. They're toxic. You don't deserve that."

"But what if they're right?"

"No," She said before gently cupping your cheek in her hand, turning your face so your teary eyes met hers. "Baby, none of that was true. They're wrong about everything."

It broke her heart to see you hurting and underestimating yourself and your own worth.

"You are so beautiful." She spoke as she looked into your eyes. "There is no one in this world more beautiful than you in my eyes. No one deserves all of the love and happiness in the world more than you do. You are perfect just the way you are."

You cracked a small smile despite the tears still blurring your vision.

"Those people weren't your friends in the first place, darling. Lisa, Jisoo, Jennie - they are real friends to you. You're my girl but you're also my best friend and I'll always be here for you. You're not alone and you will find good friends, better friends worthy of your happiness and good heart."

She couldn't help but smile when you smiled a little brighter.

"There it is. There's that gorgeous smile." She said. "Look at you, darling. You look so stunning in this outfit."

She lovingly kissed across the skin that was exposed by your outfit, sweet words of love leaving her lips at every opportunity.

"My sweet girl. You deserve the whole world." She whispered as she pulled you into her arms. "You've got so many people in your life that love you just the way you are. I promise the friends that are genuine and meant to be part of your life will find you soon."

"I hope so." You said. "But at least I have you until then."

She gently brushed her fingers across your cheek.

"And the girls, my other friends, my family. They all love you. That'll never change."

"Thank you for making me feel better. You always make me feel so beautiful."

"You are beautiful." She smiled before kissing your lips.

"Now, as beautiful as you look in this outfit, I think we should both change into our pajamas and order some takeout. We should have a movie night and cuddle and we can share all the kisses you want."

You smiled brightly, that sparkle in your eyes returning, much to her relief.

"I'd love that."

"Me too." She said and stood up with you, holding onto your hand as she walked up the stairs with you, swearing to herself that she'd spoil you with love tonight - even more so than usual.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now