when she's sick on tour (requested)

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"Thank you all so much for coming! Bye," Rosie kindly said to all the fans at the send off before grabbing your hand and leading you out of the loud and crowded room.

She breathed out a heavy sigh and dragged her feet slightly.

"Another day is done."

"Yep. Now we can go back to the hotel and you can lay down and rest."

"Rest? What are you talking about? I feel fine."

"Rosie, baby, it's me that you're talking to. You don't have to hide how you really feel." You said as you both stopped walking.

She hasn't been acting like herself all day today.

Not while she and the girls did their sound check, while she performed, or even at the send off.

Her smiles seemed forced and her eyes didn't have the usual sparkle inside of them.

She seemed exhausted and as though she wasn't feeling very well.

And even though she tried to hide it from the fans and the girls so they wouldn't worry about her, you saw right through.

You placed your other hand on her forehead and realized that she felt warm.

She wasn't running a fever but she was close to it.

"You're warm."

She sighed before saying,

"Okay, fine, maybe I don't feel that great. I haven't felt good all day."

"Why didn't you say something, baby?"

"Because we had a show to do. I didn't want to let anyone down." She spoke and you sent her a sad look before pulling her in for a hug.

"It's okay, darling. You've got tomorrow off so you can rest at this hotel for a bit and relax."

She nodded and walked to the hotel with you, which wasn't very far from where the arena was.

She wanted the fresh air as she felt a little warm and nauseous, which made her feel quite uncomfortable.

When you got to the hotel room, you closed the door behind her and made her change into her pajamas and get into bed.

"Let me feel your forehead, darling."

She closed her tired eyes and breathed out a contented sigh as you brushed your hand across her forehead.

"You feel warmer than you did a little bit ago. I think you're starting to run a fever."

"No." She whined before raising her elbow to her lips to cough into it. "This is the last thing I need right now."

"Baby, it happens." You said as you ran your fingers through her hair. "Don't worry. You've got tomorrow off, so you can just rest. We'll see what the day after holds and how you feel then."

She pouted at you, only to close her eyes again as you leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to see if there's a convenience store nearby. You might be coming down with the flu, it's going around. I'll get you some medicine to help your fever."

"No, don't leave me." She said as she grabbed your hand.

"Baby, you need medicine to help you. Plus, we need it in case you get worse."

"Right now all I need is you and your cuddles."

You sighed and stared down at your phone before looking at her.

"Please." She pouted.

How could you ever say no to her?

You knew you couldn't.

"Okay. But at least let me text the girls real quick to let them know that you're spending tomorrow in this hotel room."

"You'll be here with me?" She asked as she brushed her fingers across your palm.

"Of course."

"Then I'm okay with that. As long as I've got you."

You sent her a bright smile before texting Jisoo that Rosie was sick and needed to spend tomorrow resting and relaxing and she texted back a moment later, promising she'd tell Jennie and Lisa and that she understood.

"Jisoo says she hopes you feel better soon." You said as the text came through.

"Tell her I'll be fine by the next concert."

You just put your phone down on the nightstand with a sigh.

"We'll see. Your health comes first. Just remember that." You said as you began to play with her hair. "You're still just a little human, my love. Don't be so hard on yourself."

Gazing at you with tired eyes, she nodded her head and then let her eyes slip shut.

"I'm sleepy."

"Then rest, baby. I'm right here with you."

"You won't leave me? Not even to go get medicine? You'll stay right here with me?"

She curled up in your arms, needing to stay close to you while she recovers and rests.

"No, I'll wait until morning. I'll stay right here. I promise, baby."

She nodded and hummed softly as you began to rub her back.

"I love you so much. I hope you feel better soon."

"I love you more." She mumbled as she drifted off to sleep with her head on your shoulder, feeling so grateful to have you.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now