new beginnings (requested)

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"So? What do you think, baby?" You asked Rosie as you ended the video chat with the doctor, your attention and focus solely on her now.

Your hands have been intertwined for quite some time now and neither of you wanted to let go.

You're shaking slightly but not because you're nervous.

You're feeling the complete opposite, actually.

You're so excited; more excited than you've ever felt before.

You've been waiting for this day.

The conversation of you and Rosie starting a family has been one that you've had once your relationship became serious.

Now that you're married, you both feel like it's time to start.

The process can be long but you know it'll be worth it.

That's something you've agreed on after finding out all the information from the doctor you spoke to, which laid out all the options and opportunities for you to start your new journey together.

That, no matter what, it's going to be so worth it all.

"We have to find a donor, but I think we should do IVF. It seems to be our best shot." She said and squeezed your hand comfortingly, a sparkle in her eyes as she spoke.

"I agree. But there's one small problem... we haven't decided who's going to carry the baby yet."

She bit her lip, nodding her head with a small smile.

"I'm okay with it, either way, baby." She said.

"Me too."

"Flip a coin? Heads for you, tails for me?" She suggested and you nodded, excitedly reaching for a coin on the table.

"Okay. Ready?"

"I'm so ready." She said excitedly, a hopeful look in her big brown eyes.

You took a deep breath before flipping the coin. It fell onto the sofa between you two and you looked at each other in wonder before looking at the coin.

"I can't believe it..." you whispered in awe.

"It's tails." She chuckled tearfully, the realization of everything beginning to hit her.

"It is. It's you, babe." You smiled through your own happy tears.

You threw your arms around each other for a big, happy hug.

You've been waiting for this moment. You weren't ever fully certain of how this would happen or who would end up being the one to carry the baby, but it all felt so right as you know it's Rosie.

"We're doing it. We're going to have a family,
y/n. Just like we've wanted for so long." She sniffled as her heart swelled with love and happiness in her chest.

It felt so surreal.

Of course, it wasn't for certain yet.

You still have to go through the whole process.

But you know it's going to happen soon.

You know soon enough, you and Rosé will have the family you've always hoped to have, and that means ever to you.

"I love you so much." She whispered.

"I love you too." You said as you pulled away, needing to give her a few sweet kisses.

"I can't wait. I'm so excited." She smiled as she held you tighter.

"This is it. Our new beginning, the start of something new and so exciting."

"There's no one else I'd rather go on this journey with." She said as she rubbed your back. "I can't wait to start our little family together... so soon."

You couldn't help the tears in your eyes.

This is what you've dreamt of for so long.

And there's no one else you want to have a family with more than Rosie.

You know it already; she's going to be the most amazing mother.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now