I can't help but stare (requested)

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"Rosie?" You sleepily mumbled as you opened your eyes.

At first, you thought that your head was still resting on her chest but upon tilting your head to look up at your sweet girlfriend, you realized that Rosie was not holding onto you.

Instead, there were a couple of pillows under your head.

Rosé must've placed them there when she got up.

You sat up and prepared to call out her name, unsure as to where she went.

But it was only a couple of seconds later that you heard the sound of the shower running.

Looking out the window across the room, you saw that the sun had gone down.

According to the clock on the wall, it was just a little after nine-thirty.

You must've fallen asleep during the film you and Rosé were watching.

You got out of bed and walked across the floor to the bathroom.

Quietly, you opened the door and then closed it behind you when you were inside.

You thought about taking your clothes off and getting into the shower with your girl.

But the second you saw Rosie in the shower through the glass door, you froze.

Her back was facing you and since you'd been so quiet coming in, she hadn't even noticed that you were there.

She was humming quietly to a song that's been stuck in her head, the lyrics quietly falling from her lips on occasion.

She ran her fingers through her wet short blonde hair and finished rinsing the conditioner out of it.

You couldn't help but bite your lip as your eyes traveled up and down her back.

You watched droplets of water fall from her shoulders and hair and roll all the way down her spine.

It might sound strange to some but it comes as no surprise to you that with how incredibly stunning your girlfriend is, even her back is breathtaking.

Even her back leaves you mesmerized.

How did you get so lucky?

You'd been so caught up in your thoughts, just gazing at your super hot girlfriend as she finished showering, that you don't even know how long you stood there before she turned the water off and opened the door to step out.

She grabbed the towel from the rack and then jumped when she saw you standing there.

"Oh, Y/N!" She gasped and tied the towel around her body before she closed her eyes, chuckling as she felt her heart racing in her chest. "You scared me."

"S-Sorry." You stammered before clearing your throat and attempting to find your voice again.

"I thought you were sleeping." She said before kissing your cheek, a beautiful grin tugging at her lips afterward.

"Oh, yeah. I just woke up."

"How long have you been standing there for?" She wondered as the towel around her body hit the floor before she grabbed her pajamas from the counter.

While she pulled them on, you watched a few more drops of water fall down her back again.

Oh, there you went again, feeling weak in the knees.

"Uh," You shook your head, trying to clear it.

"Were you watching me, baby?" She asked as she turned back to face you, a smirk on her lips. "Because I have a feeling that you were."

"Maybe." You said, beginning to feel flustered as she playfully pinched your cheeks. "Okay, fine, I was. I can't help it. I can't help but stare, Rosie. Your back, just as everything else about you, is just so... hot."

"Yeah? You think so, baby girl?" She grinned as she put her hands on your hips, pulling you closer.

"Hell yeah." You smiled. "You're sexy, baby."

She giggled before she kissed your lips.

"You're sexier," She spoke into the kiss.

And you put your arms around her neck a few seconds later, melting into her as she deepened the kiss, turning the once innocent kiss into a passionate makeout.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now