you lost {Rosie loses version} (requested)

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"Are you sure about this, babe?" You asked Rosie as you looked into her eyes.

"Why are you asking me that? Are you afraid you're going to lose, baby?" Rosé asked as she raised her eyebrows a few times.

"Not at all." You answered. "But I just don't think this challenge is such a good idea. You can't handle going too long without kissing me. Are you sure that you can last?"

"Yeah." She scoffed. "Now shut up and let's do this challenge. I'm ready to see you eat your words when I win this and we get to see who's needier."

"Okay. You're on." You said with a confident grin.

Rosie was a little nervous and a little hesitant, truthfully.

Because as much as she didn't want to admit it, you were right about her struggling to go too long without kissing you.

She lives and breathes for the kisses you give her; all of them.

The pecks, the sweet and romantic ones, the deep and passionate ones you give her when you can't find the words to express to her just how much you're craving her.

She loves them all.

Because it means that your lips are on hers, where they're meant to be most.

But she told herself that she couldn't cave in and that she had to try and win this challenge, even if she felt that it was going to be impossible.

"How are you holding up, my love? Want to kiss me yet?" You asked as you bit your lip teasingly, making Rosé's breath hitch.

"N-No." She stammered, struggling to hide how weak she was already becoming.

"Sure, baby, sure." You chuckled before brushing your tongue across your lip.

"Stop doing that." She whined. "You know how weak it makes me."

"Yeah, I know." You said with a wink, only making her whine again.

She thought about all the things she could do to you to make you weak and cave first because as much as she wanted you, she didn't want to lose.

She tried to bite her lip just as you did because watching her do that always makes you weak in the knees.

She twirled her hair around her finger and let her fingers dance across your thigh, hoping that her touch and her trying to tease you would make you cave - and fast.

But you stayed strong while she was getting weak.

"Just kiss me already." You said as you brushed your thumb across her lower lip. "Is winning that important to you? You'd rather win than kiss me? And touch me?"

She closed her eyes and put her head back, groaning over how she was about to lose.

"You want to cave. You want to give in and kiss me and we both know it. So why keep torturing yourself? You're just wasting time and you could be kissing me right now."

You grabbed her hand and put it on your thigh, making her brush it against your skin.

"Come on, sexy girl. It's okay to lose. After all, are you actually losing? If it means getting your way? You can do whatever you want to me. If you just let go and cave."

She tried to resist, even after you finished whispering things to her and having her touch you while you brushed your finger across her lip.

But it was useless.

She'd lost already.

So she moaned before putting her hands on your cheeks and pulling you in for a steamy kiss.

"It's so unfair." She whined. "I can't resist you. I can't go without kissing you for very long. It's absolute torture."

You smirked against her lips and then laced your fingers through her hair, kissing her just as feverishly as she was kissing you.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you something, baby." You said as she continued to kiss you.

"Hm? What is it, darling?"

"You lost."

"No, I didn't. I won. Because you said you'd let me do whatever I want to you and I have lots of things in mind, therefore I'm the winner."

You smiled and continued to kiss her passionately as she pulled you closer, looking forward to the night ahead as her mind wandered with ideas of all the things she wanted to do.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now