she catches you crying but you try to hide it from her (requested)

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A couple of soft sounds fell from Rosie's lips as she rolled over in bed.

She was half-asleep and just planned to pull you into her arms before she'd drift back off into a deep slumber, but when she went to wrap you in her warm embrace she felt the empty and cold sheets against the tips of her fingers instead of your soft skin.

She sat up and tried to call out for you, although her voice was quiet because of how sleepy she was.

She looked at the clock and turned the lamp on. After blinking a few times to adjust to the brightness, she realized it was only a little after five in the morning.

She sighed quietly as she looked all around for you.

But she didn't see you anywhere and she realized then that you weren't in the bedroom at all.

She didn't want to get out of bed because she was still so tired.

But she was up in a heartbeat because she was worried about where you were and that something might be wrong.

"Y/N?" She called out for you as she looked in every room upstairs.

She doubted you'd be in any of them, but she wanted to check just to be absolutely certain.

But just as she thought, they were all empty, so she knew you had to be downstairs somewhere.

She walked down the first couple of steps and saw that all the lights were off downstairs.

She was about to call out for you once again but after walking down a few more steps, she heard what sounded like crying coming from close by.

She carefully walked down the rest of the stairs and turned the lights on. Once the room lit up, she saw you sitting on the sofa with your face in your hands.

She froze upon realizing that you were crying. She'd been worried when she realized you weren't in bed and now she felt even more concerned.

You lifted your head as soon as the lights turned on. Even though you had tears still falling down your cheeks and you knew Rosie had seen you crying, you still tried to hide it, in hopes that you wouldn't worry her.

"Oh, Rosé, you scared me." You sniffled. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" She scoffed as she furrowed her eyebrows and walked to you. "I'm fine. But I know you're not."

You shook your head and wiped your cheeks, but tears were still in your eyes and Rosé could see them. You couldn't hide them from her. You couldn't pretend as if something's not wrong when she knows you like the back of her hand.

"I'm okay, Rosie. I promise."

"You're not okay, darling. I can tell." She said. "You were crying. I can tell you're about to cry again. Tell me why."

You tried to hold them back but the tears stung your eyes and you couldn't fight them.

As soon as she watched the first one fall from your eyes and roll down your cheek, she was pulling you onto her lap and into her arms to hold you close and tight.

"Oh, my love," she whispered sadly. "It's okay. You're alright. I'm right here, baby."

You cried into her shirt as she rubbed your back and tried to comfort you through your sobs.

"I had a bad dream. A really bad dream."

"What about?" She asked softly as she kissed across your head.

"About you."

"About me?" She furrowed her eyebrows and then slowly put the pieces together, realizing it was one of those bad dreams where something terrible happened to her.

She's had a few about you in the past. They're terrible, she understands that. It happens but it always shakes you up.

"It was scary." You sniffled.

"I know. But I'm here, baby. I'm right here with you. I'm okay." She said and sent you a small smile when you lifted your head before she gently laid her hand on your cheek and started to wipe your tears away.

"I know." You mumbled. "But it still scared me."

"You should've woken me up. I could've comforted you so much sooner."

"I didn't want to wake you."

"You should've. You know you always can when you need me." She whispered. "I'm here for you, darling."

You nodded and leaned into her touch, causing her smile to grow.

"Come here, baby girl," she whispered as she gently pushed your cheek onto her chest, her arms wrapping tightly around you once more as you relaxed over the sound of her heartbeat in your ears. "You're okay, I'm okay, everything's okay."

"I love you, Rosie." You said and felt her kiss your head, making you close your eyes.

"I love you more." She whispered and continued to hold you close, promising that she wouldn't let you go until you were ready for her to.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now