burnt (requested)

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As soon as you arrived home and walked inside, you were greeted with what smelled like something burning in the other room.

Not seeing Rosie anywhere, you panicked and followed the smell, which led you into the kitchen.

"Rosie? Rosie, are you okay?" You asked as you rushed into the room, finding her at the sink.

The room was smoky but there was no fire and though your girlfriend was a little breathless, she was unharmed.

"I'm okay." She said as she turned off the water and walked to you.

"What happened? Why does it smell like something caught on fire?" You asked before she finally stood in front of you, her lips meeting yours for a sweet kiss.

"About that..." She chuckled nervously. "I wanted to do something nice for you. You said before you left this morning that this was going to be a really rough day for you. To cheer you up, I made you dinner!"

Your eyes lit up, your heart skipping a beat over how incredibly sweet your girlfriend is.

"But I ended up burning it and it's ruined now."

She took your hand and led you to the counter, where a plate of food sat. It wasn't completely burnt but there were quite a few black spots.

"I'm sorry." She sighed. "I tried so hard to make it special just for you. I don't know if you can tell because it's so burnt but it's your favorite."

"Oh, baby, that is so sweet."

"I can try to make you more. Maybe this time I won't almost set the house on fire."

It was awfully sweet of her. But you could see it in her eyes; she was saddened that she messed up on this dish in the first place. It obviously meant a lot to her and that only warmed your heart even more.

She took the time out of her day to do something so sweet for you. She made this for you in hopes that it would bring you happiness.

No one has ever done anything so sweet for you before.

"That's so very sweet of you to offer to do, baby. But it's not necessary. I can still eat this."

"You don't have to. I messed up on it."

The last sentence came out in a sad tone as if she was incredibly disappointed in herself.

You wouldn't allow that. You wouldn't allow her to feel disappointed when she did something so kind.

So, you shook your head and grabbed a fork before sitting down and digging in.

It was burnt. Very burnt. It didn't taste like your usual favorite food, although there were a few hints of that taste.

You could feel her eyes on you as she stood at the counter, watching you eat.

"Is it disgusting?"

You dropped your fork in shock, unable to comprehend how she'd assume such a thing.

"What? Baby, no." You said as you held your hand out for her to take.

She walked to you and you put your arms around her, hugging her tightly.

"Rosie, baby, I need you to understand something. This, right here, is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. No one has ever surprised me with my favorite meal when I walk through the door just because they remembered me saying the night before that my day was going to be rough. No one has ever wanted to cheer me up like that. I don't care if it's burnt, I love it. Because you made it for me."

She was unable to hold back her grin and it only warmed your heart even more.

"This is not disgusting. Is it burnt? Yes. But disgusting? Not ever." You assured as you cupped her cheeks in your hands, staring into her eyes. "You are the sweetest girl in the world. You make me so happy."

"Even when I almost burn our kitchen down?"

You laughed against her lips as you kissed her lovingly.

"Even then. You're the girl everyone dreams of having. But, lucky me, because you're all mine."

"All yours." She grinned before kissing you again, her lips moving passionately against yours. "Babe?"


"Don't eat the burnt food just to make me feel better."

You giggled before an idea came to your mind.

"Okay. How about this? Why don't we make a new bowl of it together? You love it too, so we'll share it."

"I'd love that very much."

You nodded and kissed her lips a few more times before taking her hand and walking to the stove with her.

And after she gathered all of the ingredients together, she let you do most of the cooking and settled for hugging you from behind and helping you when you wanted or needed her to.

She was just so happy that you were happy.

It's all that ever matters to her.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now