you plan to propose but find her cheating - part two (requested)

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Tears blurred your vision as you walked off of the elevator and started to walk out of the hotel lobby so you could exit the hotel.

You weren't quite sure where you'd be going. Of course, home was the best option. You wanted to get as far away from Rosie as you possibly could.

However, going home doesn't feel like an option anymore.

That house is no longer your home.

With so many of Rosé's things in the house and the big lonely bed, you'll be reminded constantly of her.

You pulled out your phone as you got outside and got ready to book a flight back home when you suddenly heard an all too familiar voice calling out your name.


You turned to find Rosie rushing to you and you shook your head, ready to get right back up and walk away from her.

But you froze when you heard her say,

"Y/N, stop! You have to listen to me! Hear me out, let me explain!"

"You can't be serious." You said as you stared at her, noticing the tears in her eyes and the tear stains on her cheek.

"Explain? Explain what, Rosé? What is there to explain?"

She sniffled and nervously toyed with her fingers.

"You're going to stand there, look me in the eyes, and tell me that you can explain why I caught you in bed with another girl? As if there's a reason why it would be forgivable or acceptable? As if there's an excuse that will make it all better!?"

"I'm sorry, y/n. I don't know why I did it. That's the truth. I swear. I just... I missed you."

"You missed me so you decided to hook up with another girl? Oh, c'mon, that's stupid, Rosé!"

She nodded her head.

"I know. I was just lonely."

"Well, now you don't have to worry about being lonely. You've got that girl to be with while you're here and I'm sure there are many other girls you'll meet as you tour that you can be with."

"But I don't want them! I want you!" She yelled through her tears. "I know I messed up-"

"You did." You scoffed and then lowered your head and taking in a deep breath. "All I ever wanted was you, Rosie. That's why I got you that ring. That's why I was going to propose to you. I wanted to spend my entire life with you!"

"We can do that still, y/n. I'll say yes."

"I'm not asking, Rosie. I'm not going to get down on one knee and ask you to marry me when I can barely even look at you! When I can't even trust you! I can't forgive a cheater!"

She sniffled and breathed in and out shakily, feeling everything fall apart around her.

"I never thought there'd be a day where I say that I loved you - past tense. I thought I'd love you forever, fall even more in love with you every single day that we spend together. But I don't feel that way now. As I stand here in front of you, all I see is a liar and a cheater. I see someone who is unfaithful and I can't spend the rest of my life with someone like that!"

There was a moment of silence between you before she walked closer to you and sniffled.

"I don't want to lose you." She sobbed.

"Well, you already did. I'm done. I'm going back home and I'm buying a place, my own place. I will stay with friends if I have to until I get my own place. But by the time you come home from tour, I'll be gone."

"I love you." She cried. "I'm so sorry. Y/N, I truly am."

"Well, I'm not sorry. You showed me who you truly are before I proposed to you. And I loved you, Rosé. Truly, I did."

She tried to take your hand but you pulled away and shook your head, blinking away your tears.

"Bye, Rosie. Have a nice life." You said and walked away while Rosie fell to her knees as the girls came out of the hotel.

As much as you loved her once, you can't forgive her.

Because you meant what you said...

You can't forgive a cheater.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now