can't stop kissing my girlfriend prank (requested)

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"Hi, baby," you smiled as you walked up behind Rosie as she down at her desk in the bedroom with some sheets of paper in front of her and a pen in her hand.

She was trying to memorize lyrics for the new music the girls have coming up as well as trying to write a little on her own so she can pitch in.

She looked a little stressed when you first walked in but as soon as she heard your voice and felt the brush of your lips on her cheek, she turned her head and gazed at you with bright eyes.

"Hi," she smiled back at you.

You kissed her cheek again and then let your lips travel along down to the spot behind her ear and then her neck.

She giggled and spun her chair around.

You sat on her lap and looped your arms around her neck before you kissed everywhere you possibly could.

You kissed across every inch of her neck and then across her collarbones before kissing across her chest and her arms.

She giggled happily, her eyes full of stars as you looked up and gazed into them.

You kept your eyes locked with hers as you reached for her hands and took them into yours.

After intertwining your fingers together, you brought her hands to your lips. You kissed her palms, the tips of her fingers, her knuckles, and even her wrists.

"That's a lot of kisses you're giving me."

"Want me to stop?" You asked as you kissed up her arms and then began to kiss her jaw.

"No! Definitely not. I love it." She said as she tilted her head back.

"It's a prank."

"Well, it's the best and sweetest prank you've ever pulled on me." She said and closed her eyes, another giggle escaping her lips as you began to kiss her face.

She cupped your cheeks and with every giggle that left her lips, your heart swelled even more in your chest.

"I love you so much, darling," She whispered and wrinkled her nose as you kissed the tip of it.

"I love you more, Rosé,"

"Impossible," she grinned against your lips as you pecked hers repeatedly, making her feel so happy and so loved.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now