terrible periods (requested)

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The sound of you groaning from beside her awoke Rosé from her peaceful slumber.

"Baby?" She softly spoke as she scooted closer to you, her hand falling to your back. "Are you okay?"

"No." You groaned.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"Not exactly." You mumbled. "But I woke up a little while ago and my period hit."

That was enough for her to put the pieces together.

She knows how painful your periods are. They're heavy and terrible and you dread every day that you're on it.

You get some of the worst symptoms Rosie has ever seen someone struggle with.

From cramps so bad you've gone to the hospital from them, nausea so bad it makes you sick sometimes, and terrible headaches - every day of your period leaves you feeling so terrible you can barely leave the comfort of your shared bed.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as she kissed your shoulder lovingly. "Do you have everything that you need? Enough pads and tampons? Do you need me to go get you some more?"

"No." You sighed. "I think I'm okay for a couple of days. But I'm not feeling good."

"I know, baby." She said, a sad sigh falling from her lips. "I know how painful your periods are for you and how awful you feel. Tell me what you're feeling right now."

"I was dizzy when I got out of bed and I feel sick. I'm also getting cramps. I took some medicine but it's not helping."

"You need your heating pad. I'll grab it for you."

You weakly nodded and she kissed the back of your nack before getting out of bed to go grab your heating pad, which was downstairs.

She also grabbed you a bottle of water. You'd need it sooner or later so she figured it was just better to get it for you now.

She went upstairs and her heart sank as she returned, finding you with your knees pulled to your chest in bed.

You were curled up, desperate to relieve the intense pain you felt.

"Here, baby girl. I got you some water too."

She put the bottle of water down on the nightstand before plugging the heating pad in. After, she stared at you in concern, brushing her fingers across your face.

"I hate my periods." You whined and closed your eyes.

You were in so much pain that it was bringing tears to your eyes. You just wanted it to stop so you could feel better. You needed some sleep and to stop feeling so sick to your stomach. But it was so hard when the pain was so agonizing.

"I know. It's awful, my love. I understand. But I'm here to take care of you." Rosie spoke quietly as she caressed your cheek.

You slowly opened your eyes, a tear slipping down your cheek after you did so.

"Oh, no. Shh, darling. Don't cry. It's okay."

"I'm sorry. It just hurts so badly."

"I know. It's alright." She said, kissing your forehead. "You should start to feel better soon though. The heating pad is on high and I'm here to get you anything you need that can bring you relief or comfort. So you tell me if you need anything."

"I just want you to hold me."

She crawled back into bed right away and curled up behind you.

"Can you rub my back?"

"Of course, baby."

You felt the soft brush of her fingertips against your skin a few seconds later after she slipped her hand beneath your shirt.

Although you were still in pain, her touch and presence brought you immense comfort, and that's something you desperately needed.

"I've got you." She whispered and kissed your shoulder again. "You're going to be okay. You'll feel better soon."

It took a few minutes for the pain to start to fade little by little. But it made you breathe out a sigh of relief. It was nice to be able to breathe again.

"Feeling okay? Still nauseous?"

"Yeah. But my cramps are going away a little."

"Good. Guess we don't have to take a trip to the hospital this morning." She joked and you chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, thank gosh."

She couldn't help but brush her lips against your skin a few more times, just wanting to remind you that she was there by your side to help you feel better.

"I love you." You sighed. "You make me feel better, even in times like these when I feel bad."

"I love you too." She smiled. "I'm happy to help in whatever way I possibly can."

You closed your eyes and melted into her touch, hoping you could get some sleep.

"I'm right here."

"I know." You said, smiling a little. "And I'm so thankful for you."

She smiled to herself and continued to rub your back, relieved to find that you were feeling a little better.

You knew that it was going to be a rough few days but with your sweet girl right there by your side, you'd get through them just fine.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now