meeting for the first time after dating long-distance (requested)

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The sound of the ringtone you have set for your girlfriend began to come through the speakers of your phone, quickly catching your attention.

You answered right away and your heart started to race even faster than before when you heard the sound of the announcement that the flight she'd taken to come and see you for the very first time had finally arrived.

"You're here?" You asked as you began to look all around for her.

"I'm here, my love." She said and you could sense the excitement in her voice. "I just got off the plane and I'm walking in now. I'll see you in a minute."

You slid your phone into your pocket with shaky hands. You're so excited that words aren't even enough to explain it.

You've been dating Rosé for the last several months.

You're approaching your eight-month anniversary and to make it extra special, Rosie surprised you by telling you that she'd finally gotten some time off and was using it to come and see you.

For the next week, she's all yours. She came all the way from Seoul to your city.

You've been wanting to go see her for the last few months, since you both realized that your feelings for each other were so strong, despite meeting online.

Sadly though, Rosie couldn't find time in her schedule for it. She was all for you coming, she wanted that so badly.

It broke her heart every time that she had to tell you that she wanted for you to come to Seoul so she could hug you and kiss you and never let you go.

But her words that followed those were always about how she couldn't find it in her schedule to have time to spend with you and your flight would be a waste of money because she just wouldn't have the time to see you and do all the things she wants to do with you such as adventure around the city and treat you to some different amazing foods.

Your trip to Seoul is set for the next week she'll be able to take off, which is about a month from now.

But today, she's coming to see you.

She's coming to your hometown, breaking the distance you've both been desperately wanting to break for so long now.

Your heart is racing and your palms are sweating a little because you're so excited to see her. You've spent all this time talking through FaceTime and Skype.

You've woken up to good morning texts from her every single day for the last seven months when you both realized that your relationship was much different from the other relationships people have when they meet others online.

Your feelings for each other were strong, even though you've never seen face to face.

Her morning texts have always made your days better and you swear that you've never been happier since the day you first met and she feels the exact same way.

Now you're moments away from seeing her face to face at last.

You can finally kiss her lips and hug her so tightly and thank her for how much she's brightened your days every day for so long.

It felt so surreal. You've had this dream so many times that you're tempted to pinch yourself and see if you're dreaming again or not.

But the brush of people's arms against yours and they bump into you as they walk through the airport was much too real to be a dream, much like the way your heart was pounding with excitement and the way your hands were shaking.


You heard her voice from close by. It was coming from behind you. You turned around and saw her standing just a few feet away, almost so close that you could almost finally reach out and touch her.

You both stared at each other in awe before you both ran to each other.

Right away, you were brought into the biggest hug you've ever had before. Her grip on you was secure as she spun you around. You giggled into her neck, pressing a little kiss to her soft skin before pulling away.

She put you on your feet and cupped your cheeks in her palms. Her brown eyes were full of stars, brighter than ever.

"It's so good to finally see you face to face instead of my phone!" She teased and then giggled, melting your heart.

"I'm so happy you're here."

"Me too, my love." She smiled as she brushed her thumbs along your cheeks. "You're so beautiful, even more beautiful in person."

"You too, Rosie." You smiled. "I've been waiting for this day. It almost doesn't even feel real!"

She smiled and dropped her forehead onto yours.

"Should I kiss you then? To help you realize it's not a dream?" She asked, teasing you as she watched you stare at her lips.

You smiled from ear to ear, nodding happily before she pushed her lips onto yours for a loving kiss.

You melted right away. It was unlike any kiss you've ever had before. There was this rush that came along with it, these butterflies that filled your chest, and you could've sworn that sparks were flying all around you as her lips moved in perfect sync with yours.

She pulled away a moment later.

She bit her lip as she stared at you, quietly whispering to herself that she was already so crazy for you, although you heard every word.

"You're here." You giggled as it all sank in, your arms looped around her neck.

"I'm here, beautiful girl. It's still early in the day. Is there anything you want to do? Are you hungry? Know any good spots we could go to?"

"Are you sure you're not too tired for that? Jet lagged or anything?"

"No. I'm perfectly fine. I'll sleep later, at your place, like we arranged." She smiled as she stroked your cheek. "For now, I want to get some food and for you to show me around some places that are important to you. I want to spend some time with my girl. It's what I've been hoping and waiting for so long for."

"Okay, my love. I know some great places we can go and some fun things we can do." You said and kissed her cheek quickly, making her smile grow.

"Sounds perfect, darling." She said and put her arm around you as you helped her with her bags, excitedly rambling about all the things you wanted to do with her this week, to which she just grinned and nodded in agreement.

She didn't care what you did. She was okay with anything. All the things you want to show her must be important to you and, therefore, they're important to her too.

At the end of the day, all she wants is to be with you.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now