met gala (requested)

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I know you all want the second part of all my love is gone and I'm working hard on it! Until then, please enjoy this! I had two different requests for this scenario, so there'll be another one kinda like one.

"Babe? Are you almost ready? We don't want to be late!" Rosie said as she knocked on the bathroom door, waiting for you to answer. "Can I just come in?"

"I'll be done in a minute!" You yelled out and she whined.

"But baby, I want to see your dress! You've kept it a huge secret from me and it's been killing me."

Even though you couldn't see her face, you could see that pout.

"Please can I come in? You're going to look so gorgeous, I don't think I can wait another minute to see you!"

You giggled and finished up the finishing touches of your hair and makeup before opening the bathroom door.

Right away, Rosie's breath hitched and her eyes lit up. They looked so shiny as she looked you up and down and then gazed into your eyes.

"What do you think, babe? Do I look alright?"

She shook her head with the sweetest smile.

"You look perfect." She smiled. "Everyone is going to be so envious of me. Look at you, my beautiful girl."

She put her arm around you and pulled you close, giving you a few sweet kisses before she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and set her forehead on yours.

"Ready, darling?"

"So ready."

You arrived not long after.

Rosie held the door open for you when you stepped out and she was quick to take your hand again.

Giving it a few squeezes, she looked you up and down, biting at her lip as she admired how breathtaking you are.

"You look so beautiful tonight. I've told you that, right?" Rosie smiled as she held your hand, swinging them back and forth a little as you both made your way to the carpet to get your photos taken.

"Yes. You told me back at the hotel before we left. Then when we got into the car. Then as we rode in the car. Then when we arrived here. Then when we got out. And just now again. So, yes. You've told me once or twice." You joked and she laughed happily.

"I won't stop telling you. I am just so lucky."

You had just arrived a moment or two ago and already, all eyes are on the two of you.

When people found out that you'd both be attending tonight, it caused a lot of excitement.

Since you're both very famous idols and your relationship only became public recently, it was huge that you both get to be here together and for your very first time.

It's a huge achievement and on top of constantly telling you how beautiful you are, Rosé keeps reminding you that you deserve to be excited and proud of it.

And although everyone's eyes are on you, including those of excited photographers who couldn't wait to snap some photos of you and Rosie individually and as a couple as well as a few celebrities, Rosie was the one staring at you the most.

"You know, baby, it's not very nice to stare." You teased and watched her smile from ear to ear.

"Maybe not to some, but when it's you that I get to stare at it is very nice to stare."

You playfully rolled your eyes and your heart fluttered when she kissed your cheek lovingly.

"Are you nervous at all?" She whispered into your ear, unsure how you felt about all the cameras.

"No way! I'm so excited! This is the night of my dreams, to be here and with you right here by my side is everything to me." You said. "I'm not letting anyone ruin it for me."

"Good. You shouldn't. You truly do look so beautiful."

You shook your head with a smile and walked up to where your photos would be taken.

The camera flashes began instantly, all eyes still on you and Rosie.

People were photographing you individually and Rosie kept trying to make you laugh, giving you those bright eyes and that stunning smile that she knows always makes you smile along with her.

She planned on looking through all the photos, later on, she wanted to get one of you where your smile is big and bright, wanting to set it as her new lock screen and proudly show it off to everyone.

"Together now!" Someone yelled and Rosie happily put her arm around you, bringing you to her side as you both took some photos together.

But she stepped away a moment later, letting you have a moment or two to shine on your own again.

She held your hand as you walked away from the photographers and started to go up the steps.

You walked inside and began to explore the gallery together.

The pieces inside were breathtaking and you pointed out your favorites together, telling each other what you'd look best in... which was every single one.

Everywhere you went, you and Rosie both got compliments from others over your dresses and how cute you looked together as you met other celebrities like Gigi Hadid and Rihanna.

It only made her want to pull you closer and show you off more.

She kept one of her arms wrapped around you and occasionally would leave little kisses on your exposed shoulder.

Every minute she told you that you're still taking her breath away, telling you that you looked so gorgeous that you outshined the pieces in the gallery.

"Are you hungry? I know I am." She giggled as you made your way into the other room, ready for some dinner.

As you ate and watched people perform, you kept your head on Rosie's shoulder and your hand wrapped in hers.

"I'm so happy we get to do things like this together." You whispered in her ear. "I love you and I love all the adventures we get to share."

"I love you too, sweet girl." She smiled, kissing your cheek. "We should come back next year."

"I hope we get to because I'd love that so much."

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now