hickey prank - upgraded (requested)

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"Darling, I'm home!" Rosie called out as she walked through the front door.

Immediately, you excitedly ran down the stairs and into her arms and she couldn't help the happy laugh that left her lips as she wrapped her arms around you.

It feels like it's been forever since she last held you.

She's been on tour for the last few months and due to work, you haven't been able to go visit her.

So being wrapped in her arms after so long felt wonderful for both of you.

"My girl, I missed you so much."

You pulled away from her arms with a grin before giving her a kiss on her lips.

"I missed you too." You said.

She began to pepper kisses across your face, feeling overwhelmed with love for you that she just couldn't help herself.

She trailed her lips to your neck and that's when she saw a hickey on your skin.

"Where'd you get this?" She asked as she looked up into your eyes.


"This hickey! Where'd it come from?"

"What hickey?" You asked, looking at her in confusion.

She was upset but decided to drop it for a few minutes because she's missed you so much and that wasn't what she wanted to focus on right now.

Carrying you over to the sofa, she put you down on it before she hovered over you and began to place kisses across your body.

She lifted your shirt and to her shock, she saw more hickeys across your stomach and chest.

"What the hell, Y/N? What is going on?" She asked as she stared at you in disbelief.

"What do you mean?"

"There are hickeys all over your body, Y/N! You're cheating on me?"

"Of course not!"

As soon as you said that, your phone chimed and you pulled it out of your pocket.

Rosé didn't trust you so she pulled your phone out of your hand as you unlocked it and to her shock, she saw the text and who it was from.

"Sorry for all of the hickeys. I know I got a little carried away. I'll try not to do that next time ;) - Jennie"

Rosie had no words.

She had no clue what to say.

"Rosie, I can explain."

"Explain what? You're cheating on me with my best friend!"

"I'm not!"

"You're not? It's right here, Y/N! I see the text with my own eyes!"

You hung your head as Rosé got up and began pacing the floor.

Before she got home, she had to do a few quick things after getting off the plane which took a few hours whereas Jennie was off the plane and home right away.

"So while I was out before I got home, you and my best friend were hooking up? I don't believe this!"

"You shouldn't..." You said. "Because I'm pranking you."

"What?" She frowned.

You wiped the hickeys on your neck and just like before, she watched them smear because they were fake and done with makeup.

"Jennie's in on it."

"I can't believe you two. I get home, happy to be with my girl, and you two decide to pull this cruel prank on me? That's so mean and unfair!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would be a big deal."

"Not a big deal? Y/N, you pranked me that you were cheating on me with my best friend!"

"You're right." You spoke after a few seconds of silence. "I'm really sorry."

"No, sorry won't cut it this time." She said before storming upstairs.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you!" She shouted before slamming the door behind her, locking you out so you could think long and hard about what you had done.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now