happy you're here (requested)

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You made your way to the front row of the concert, the security guards guiding you there safely through the fans that were bound to recognize you sooner or later.

You stood in the very front row, so close to the stage that the girls could reach out and touch you.

It wouldn't surprise you one bit if that happens during the show at some point, since you're all so close that you're practically attached at the hip these days.

You watched in amazement as they shined brightly; all four of them.

It's no surprise. You've always been blown away by their talent and their passion for music.

It's the reason why, when your label asked you who you wanted to collaborate with just a few months back, you instantly said the girls.

That's where your friendship first started. It's been about four months since then and your bond is stronger than the bond you have with people you've known for years.

You're so close.

They're your secret keepers, your ultimate best friends.

But... it feels different with one particular member.

Not in a bad way, of course. It's just that there's something more with her than there is with the other girls.

There's this connection, these sparks that constantly fly when you're near each other. Your crushes on each other are obvious to not just the other three, but to each other.

However, you haven't had the chance to sit down and really establish how you feel for each other.

You've all been so busy; traveling the world, doing interviews, making more music, doing promo, making videos.

The list goes on and on for you and the girls.

But now that you're here tonight, it's clear just how crazy you are for her.

Because you can't take your eyes off of Rosie as you watch her dance and sing.

She looked so happy. That sweet, heartwarming smile of hers hasn't fallen.

You didn't look anywhere else but at her. So you were unaware of the fact that fans had caught Lisa's attention and pointed at you.

It was only when the song wrapped up and Jennie started to speak, your name being one of the first things to fall from her lips, that you looked away from Rosie.

"I didn't know we'd have a special guest here tonight! Y/N!"

Rosie and Jisoo looked at you, finally realizing that you were right there in front of them.

Rosie's eyes lit up, sparkling brighter than you've ever seen before.

Her already big smile grew. She struggled to look away from you and fans quickly realized this.

"Y/N, come up here! Give us a hug! We've missed you!" Lisa said and giggled as Rosie beat Jisoo to rush to you, wanting to be the one to hold your hand as you climb from the crowd and up to the stage.

"It's so good to see you!" Jisoo smiled as she rubbed your back as you hugged.

Lisa and Jennie hugged you and Rosie impatiently tapped Jennie's shoulder repeatedly, wanting her to let you go so she could hug you.

Once she had the chance, she threw her arms around you for a huge hug.

She laid her cheek on your shoulder and closed her eyes, finding some comfort in your arms and your scent.

"I'm so happy you're here, y/n," she spoke in your ear before pulling away from the hug, although her hand stayed on the small of your back.

"How have you been? And why didn't you say you were coming tonight?"

"I've been fine but very busy, which is why I didn't say anything. I was hoping I'd make it but I didn't know if something would come up and I didn't want to disappoint any of you if I couldn't make it."

"Well, now that you're here, you have to sing with us," Jisoo said.

You nodded and someone brought you a mic. As the girls made their way to the front of the stage, Rosie wrapped her arms around you from behind and hugged you close as you sang together.

Although there were thousands of eyes on you, it was almost like no one else existed except for you and Rosie.

You held onto each other and gazed deeply into each other's eyes.

When neither of you had to sing, you'd speak quietly to each other about how you missed each other and how genuinely happy you felt to be back by each other's side again.

She took your hand into hers and playfully spun you around on the stage, making you giggle together.

Fans were capturing the moment, awestruck over how cute you are together.

Your love for each other was quite obvious, even the fans in the crowd could see it. You acted like a couple, as if you'd known each other for years and years.

You were in your own little world, unaware that the song had finished.

"Hey, lovebirds." Jennie interrupted, whispering quietly to you both. "We have a show to finish."

"Oh, right." Rosie said and bit her lip as she gazed at you. "will you wait backstage for us? I'll meet you in the dressing room?" She asked you quietly, her mic far from her lips so no one else would overhear.


Your fingers were intertwined and it hurt your heart to have to pull away.

But it fluttered again and again as you got off the stage and Rosie told the guard to take you to the dressing room, and he quickly led you there.

Before you were out of sight, Rosie winked at you, her smile so bright that it melted your heart.

You took a seat in the dressing room and anxiously waited for them to finish.

Something was going to happen between you tonight. You could just feel it.

And, in all of your life, you've never felt so excited for anything.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now