using an insecurity that you have against you when she's drunk - part two

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Rosie knew something wasn't right when she first opened her eyes.

She groaned when she sat up, met with the sunlight in her brown eyes which made her head pound and the room spin a little.

"Y/N?" She called out but didn't get any response from you.

She couldn't seem to remember last night. She couldn't figure out why she was sleeping on the sofa.

You always take such great care of her. You'd usually help her up to bed and be by her side when she first wakes up, because of the hangover she's always bound to have after nights out with the girls.

She slowly got off of the couch and went to the bathroom to grab some medicine for her head before she grabbed some water and swallowed down the pills.

The house was too still and quiet for her liking. She needed to hear the sound of your voice.

So she walked upstairs and went to turn the knob on the bedroom door, planning on letting herself inside and sneaking into bed with you.

But, to her surprise, the door was locked.

"Y/N? Baby, what's going on? Why is the door locked?" She asked as she knocked a few times.

She waited for a response but it didn't come.

Not for a moment, anyway, and definitely not in the way that she expected.

The door opened a moment after she knocked and you stood there with tired eyes and an angry expression on your face.

She also noticed the duffle bag over your shoulder and a couple more in your hands.

"Babe?" She frowned as you shoved her slightly, walking by her without a word.

She followed you down the stairs, watching as you slipped on your shoes by the door and grabbed your keys.

"Wait, don't go!" She pleaded as she wrapped her fingers around your arm. "Tell me what's wrong."

"You don't remember last night?" You asked as you turned around to face her, watching as she tried to think back to it. "After you got home? You know what, I'd explain it all to you but I'd probably just annoy you."

As soon as you said that, it all came back to her.

"Oh, no." She groaned as she tangled her fingers in her messy blonde hair.

"You remember now?"

"Yes, and I am so sorry."

"Well, sorry isn't good enough." You mumbled and tried to walk out the door, only for her to stop you again, this time by wrapping her arms around you.

"How can I make it up to you? Please tell me, my love. I will do anything, whatever it takes to show you how truly sorry I am. Because I didn't mean any of that. I would never. I don't even know why I'd say something so stupid and outrageous. I truly am sorry."

"I don't know, Rosie." You sighed. "I laid awake all night, crying a little before my sadness turned into fury. I did nothing wrong, I only tried to help you and that was how you treated me."

"I was wrong, not you."

"I know that." You said. "I can't think of how you could make it up to me. All I can think about is how hurt I am by your words. You know how anxious I get. You know how much I fear I'll annoy people. You know it's one of my biggest fears and insecurities and you used it against me!"

She hung her head before nodding in agreement.

"I know I did. I didn't mean it though. I would never."

You stood in silence for a second, trying to hold it together as you noticed the tears in her eyes.

"We need to take a break, Rosé."

A tear fell down her cheek before she sobbed quietly.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise I will. I'll show you that I didn't mean it, that I would never. Because you are not annoying, not ever. You are beautiful; so beautiful. So wonderful. Words won't ever be enough to express how much I love you. I will make this right."

"We'll see." You said before you opened the door and walked out to your car before driving away, wondering if you'd ever turn back around and go back into her arms, where you once felt safest and more loved than anywhere else.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें