I don't wanna lose you - part two (requested)

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"Rosie? Rosie, are you here?" You called out as you walked into the house.

As soon as she heard the sound of your voice, she hurried down the stairs and raced to the last step.

Standing in front of you with a worried look on her face, she wanted so badly to reach out and grab your hand or throw her arms around you.

But she didn't know if it was a good idea, so she resisted the urge to do so.

"You came back." She said with a nervous yet hopeful expression.

"We need to talk."

Those four words made her heart drop.

But she nodded her head and followed you to the sofa because she knew that there was no avoiding the topic, no matter the outcome.

She took a seat beside you and kept her hands on her lap, though she was itching to reach over and touch your hand.

"I appreciate you being honest with me and not keeping this from me. I know it must've been difficult for you to do."

She nodded her head wordlessly.

"I hope you know how hard it was to hear. I hope you understand why I needed space to think things through."

"I do." She said as a lump appeared in her throat.

"It hurts to know that you kissed another girl, even if you were intoxicated. I know you'd feel the same way if the show was on the other foot."

She nodded her head.

"I did a lot of thinking while I was out. I didn't know if I should forgive you or not. I didn't know what was right and what wasn't."

She hung her head in sadness, thinking you'd be walking out on her tonight and there'd be nothing she could do about it.

"And as hurt as I am about you kissing someone else, I can tell that you're genuinely hurt and sorry about it."

"So, so sorry, y/n." She said as she looked up at you. "I feel so awful about it. I wish I could take it back."

"But you can't."

"I know." She said in sadness.

"But you didn't hide it from me. You didn't act as though it never happened. You acknowledged the fact that you made a huge mistake and you told me the truth. Even though you were scared you might lose me, you did the right thing regardless."

"So what are you saying?" She asked and her heart almost burst out of her chest when you put your hand over hers.

"I'm saying I'm not leaving you."

Her eyes lit up in response.

"It's going to take me a little time but I know I can still trust you because you were honest with me about this and I know you feel guilty and won't do it again."

"Never again, I swear! I won't ever get that drunk again and I will never make a mistake like that again."

"I know, my love." You said before opening your arms for her. "Come on. Give me a hug."

She threw her arms around you and breathed out a sigh of relief as you held her tight.

This hug felt even more special as she thought she might never be able to hold you like this again, making her appreciate every second with you in her arms even more.

"I thought I was going to lose you."

"You won't ever lose me, baby. Thank you for being honest with me."

"Thank you for staying and for loving me. I love you a lot and I won't ever do anything to risk losing you again." She swore as she pulled back and kissed your lips.

You knew you'd made the right decision, you could feel it in your heart.

You knew you could still trust her and she'd always be truthful with you no matter what and that's what truly mattered.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now