you plan to propose but find her cheating (requested)

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"Trust me, y/n. She's going to be so happy to see you! She's been talking about you all day every day since we left for this tour." Jennie said as she rolled her eyes a little, giggling along with you, Jisoo, and Lisa afterward.

You just got off of the elevator a moment or two ago. The girls are helping you with your things as you walk down the hall of the hotel floor that all the girls are staying on.

You're excited to reunite with Rosé. Visiting her on tour is always fun but this trip is even more special than all the ones you've taken to surprise her before.

"So... do you have the ring? Can we see it?" Lisa excitedly asked and Jisoo and Jennie quickly shushed her, worried Rosé might hear.

"Yeah." You giggled and reached into the pocket of your hoodie that you had on.

You pulled out the velvet box and opened it up. The girls all gasped upon seeing the engagement you had specially made for Rosie.

"Oh, y/n! It's beautiful." Jisoo said as she hugged you from behind. "She's going to love it!"

"I hope so. I couldn't see any in the stores that I thought she might like so I decided to make something special for her. It wasn't cheap but every dollar I spent was so worth it. I think it's just her style."

"Oh, I agree. She will wear it with pride! She's going to want to show it off to everyone, brag about how in love and lucky she is and how stunning her ring is." Jennie smiled.

"We're so happy for you!" Lisa said as she hugged you.

"When are you going to ask her?" Jisoo asked.

"Tonight. I booked a dinner at one of the most romantic places in the city. I'm sorta nervous but I'm so excited."

"You've got this, y/n. There's no way she'll say no; not when she's so in love with you." Lisa assured.

"Okay, we've held you back long enough. Go reunite with your girl!" Jennie grinned and watched you put the ring back into your pocket.

Jisoo let you put your things in her room for the time being.

She, Lisa, and Jennie all waved to you before they went into Jisoo's room, giving you some time to be with Rosé and catch up for a while.

You walked down to Rosie's hotel room.

Jennie had given you an extra key to Rosé's room, so you put it inside the door and waited for it to flash green before you opened it.

You thought you might find her sleeping or playing some games on her phone, maybe even writing some songs or singing quietly.

But what you actually saw made your heart drop.

She was laying on the bed with another girl hovering over her.

Her familiar grey sweats were on the floor and you noticed her shirt was almost off her body as the girl and her continued to lock lips, unaware of your presence as they tried to hurriedly remove each other's clothes.

"Rosie?" You spoke through your tears.

Hearing your voice, Rosé pulled away from the girl and looked to the door.

She went wide-eyed upon seeing you standing there.

"Y/N!" She said as she quickly sat up, pushing the other girl away. "What are you doing here?"

"That's the first thing you say to me? Really, Rosie?"

"I'm sorry, baby. Wait, I'll explain-"

"Explain!?" You yelled loudly and then flared at the girl in bed with your girl. "Get out!"

Your voice was so loud and, honestly, a little scary so she quickly got up, got dressed, and left the room.

As soon as the door was closed, you turned your focus to Rosé, who couldn't even look you in the eyes.

"What is there to even explain?" You asked. "Seriously, Rosie? We've been together for almost two years! You threw it away, just like that?"

"I don't know what I was thinking."

"Yeah, I don't know either." You scoffed. "I don't know what I did to deserve this-"

"It's not you, baby!"

"No, don't call me that!" You said and she sniffled as her eyes filled with tears. "I don't even want to hear your excuses. I don't want to hear you try to explain what happened. I'm done."

"Done? What do you mean done?" She asked as she stood up.

You grabbed the box from your pocket and pulled out the ring. You stared at Rosé, showing it to her.

"Oh, y/n," she sighed.

"I came here to surprise you. Thought I'd come as your girlfriend, leave as your fiancée. I had this made special, just for you. I was going to ask you to spend forever by my side..."

Her eyes filled with tears as she stared at you and everything started to sink in.

"I was preparing my speech for days. I thought about how, until today, forever didn't seem long enough. I wanted to spend every day, every minute by your side."

"Y/N, I'm sorry." She cried.

"Sorry isn't good enough, Rosie!" You yelled through your tears. "I'm done."

You walked out of the room and she sat back down on the bed, sobbing harder than ever.

You went to Jisoo's room and grabbed your things as the girls repeatedly asked you what had happened and why you were leaving.

"What happened?" Lisa asked.

"You're leaving?" Jisoo asked as she followed you to the door, her hand reaching out to fall onto the small of your back as she tried to comfort you and stop you from leaving so fast.

"You're not proposing anymore? Why not? Y/N, what happened?" Jennie asked.

You turned around to look at them as you got ready to walk out the door and you saw Rosie coming out of her room, staring at you from afar as she cried.

"Why don't you ask Rosie. She'll tell you." You said and walked away as you got onto the elevator and left.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now