never imagined (requested)

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"Are you giving a speech?" You heard Jisoo ask you as you sip on your drink.

You looked away from the guest that was giving a speech currently and looked at Jisoo as she spoke.

Looking across the room, your broken heart sank deeper and deeper in your chest each time you caught a glimpse of Rosé.

Oh, she looked so beautiful. Even more beautiful than usual, if that's even possible.

Her hair was done beautifully and her white wedding dress made her eyes pop. You can barely breathe.

But not in the usual way of her taking your breath away because of her beauty.

It's because of her wife sitting beside her.

Her wife.

The woman that wasn't you.

"Y/N," Lisa tapped your arm, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You looked away from Rosie and over at her, Jisoo, and Jennie who were all sitting beside you with a worried expression.

"I don't think that's a good idea." You said. "You know how I feel about her."

"Her being Rosie? Or her wife?"

"Both. I'm in love with one and hate the other." You said as you finished your drink.

You got up to grab another, just as the person speaking finished, and being the only person standing, they thought you wanted to speak.

"Do you have a speech prepared?"

Everyone was looking at you; Rosie included.

"Uh, no." You said with a nervous chuckle.

"Well, come up and wing it then. I'm sure the newlyweds would love a speech from you!" The person said and you swallowed thickly before stepping up.

People applauded while the girls stared at each other in concern while Rosé gazed at you lovingly, mesmerized by you.

"I wasn't prepared for this." You said and stared at your hands, which were starting to sweat. "I've known Rosie for a while now. She's the sweetest and brightest woman with the voice of an angel."

You looked at Rosie, your eyes locking with hers.

You've had a couple of drinks, probably one too many to be saying a speech, especially one that you haven't even prepared.

And that was bound to be a disaster.

"She's incredible, isn't she?"

People nodded in agreement.

"I'll confess something."

"Oh, boy," Jennie sighed nervously.

"I've imagined this day a lot. I knew that Rosé would make a beautiful bride and that this day would be magical. I knew everyone would feel that love in the air and that everyone important to Rosie would be here... but I never imagined this. I always imagined it would be me that would be the one to marry Rosie."

People started to gasp and talk amongst themselves over your confession.

"It hurts seeing her marry someone else. I missed my chance and I know that. I want to be supportive. I want to be happy for my best friend but it's hard when I'm in love with her."

"Should we do something? We should do something, right?" Lisa asked as she looked between Jisoo and Jennie anxiously.

It wasn't that they were upset at you for suddenly confessing.

As your friends, they've known that you are head over heels for Rosé and the confession was bound to slip from your lips sooner or later.

But they know that you're going to be overwhelmed by this eventually, as it wasn't intended.

They worried about you and the aftermath of all of this.

Rosie was staring at you with big eyes and a look of surprise on her face.

But she was also smiling.

Why was she smiling?

"I'm sorry to ruin your day. But I can't hold it in any longer." You said to Rosie.

Holding your glass in the air, you chuckled through your tears.

"Cheers, everyone!"

You walked off and everyone was staring at you in shock.

But you could only feel Rosie's eyes on you; the eyes you love most.

"Y/N, wait!" Rosie said as she stood up, leaving her bride in shock as she rushed after you with the girls following you while you stormed out in tears.

You stepped into the bathroom, running into a stall.

Let me talk to her alone. Please?" Rosie said to the other girls outside the bathroom.

"Okay. But be gentle with her. This is hard on her." Jisoo said.

They walked away and Rosie stepped into the bathroom, the door slamming behind her.

"Y/N?" She said as she knocked on the stall. "Please, let me in."

"Rosie, I'm sorry. Just go back to her, okay? I'll leave. I ruined everything."

"You didn't ruin anything." She said as she put her palms on the stall. "I need to talk to you about this."


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"What if I told you that your feelings aren't one-sided? What if I told you that I'm not actually in love with the woman I married and I only married her because I didn't think you loved me? What if I said I'm in love with you too?"

Her voice was soft and her words left you in shock.

You wiped your tears away.

"I mean every word. So please, open the door."

You hesitated, placing your hand on the lock before waiting a few seconds and turning it to come face to face with the woman that you're in love with who has always loved you too.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now