leaked (requested)

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Rosie let out a breath of relief as she closed the front door behind her.

She was relieved that she'd safely made it home without anyone following her around.

She always gets so nervous when it comes to changing the color of her hair for comebacks.

Going out means she has to pull her hair up and hide it under a hat or pull her hoodie over her head.

She tries so hard to make sure she keeps it from getting out to the world but sometimes, it's not so easy when everyone is almost always watching her every move.

But, finally, she's home.

It's been a tough few days trying to get her short hair to go from its usual blonde color to the light green that YG suggested she do for the comeback that will be approaching someday soon.

She was afraid that she wouldn't look good with the color but every time she gets a glimpse of it when she sees her reflection in the mirror or on her phone, she begins to love it even more.

She couldn't wait to show you what it turned out like.

So after kicking her shoes off by the door and taking off her hat, just tossing it onto the sofa, she rushed up the stairs in excitement.

"Y/N!" You heard her call out and you looked away from your phone screen, where your eyes have been focused since you've been video-chatting with your mom for the last little while.

Your eyes lit up as Rosé entered the bedroom.

She was smiling brightly, twirling a strand of her green hair across her index finger.

"Whoa." You said. "Baby, you look amazing."

"You like it?" She wondered and you nodded before patting her side of the bed, wordlessly telling her to come and sit beside you.

"Oh, my love, I adore this color on you. It brings out your eyes even more. You look gorgeous."

She leaned in to give you a kiss, but your mom's voice stopped her from doing so.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing, mom. Rosie just got home. We were talking about her new green hair. That's all."

"Green?" Your mom curiously spoke. "Can I see?"

Rosie looked at you for a second before she nodded.

You picked up your phone and let Rosie hold it as she showed off her green locks to your mom.

"Wow! Rosie, sweetie, that looks beautiful on you!"

"Thanks!" She cheerfully said.

"Mom, remember, you can't tell anyone about her hair. It's a surprise for the girls' comeback."

"Okay. I won't." She said. "I'll let you go so you can spend some time with your girl. It's getting late, anyway. So I'll talk to you tomorrow. Both of you have a great night and a wonderful day tomorrow."

"Okay." You happily spoke.

"Love you."

"Love you!" You and Rosie spoke in unison before you ended the video chat.

You put your phone on your nightstand, hooking it up to the charger for the night before you curled up with Rosie.

As she lovingly stared down at you while you placed your head on her chest, you gazed up at her.

You gently brushed your fingers through her hair, looking at the beautiful color as you admired how breathtaking she looked with it.

"I can't get over how amazing you look."

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now