all my love is gone - part two (requested)

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Rosie groaned as she heard the sound of knocking on the front door.

It was only eight o'clock at night and she'd just arrived home a couple of hours ago from being out with the girls and she was mentally exhausted, wanting nothing more than to curl up on the side of her bed where you once slept and cry about how much she misses you.

Because her heart is still aching.

But the knocking wouldn't stop, so she knew she had no choice but to get out of bed to go downstairs and see who was at the door.

She couldn't help but wonder who it could be. The girls all have keys to her house.

If they wanted to come over, they'd let themselves in without any hesitation.

Her parents also have keys and all of her friends are busy.

She didn't know who she'd find standing at the door when it opened but she never expected to find that it was... you.

"Hey," you whispered and watched as Rosé stood there in shock, wondering if she was dreaming about seeing you again.

Lately, that's the only place she can go to see you. She almost didn't believe it was real, ready to pinch herself a few times to see if it was actually happening or not.

But you reached out and put your hand on her arm and her heart almost beat out of her chest from how excited she felt to find it wasn't a dream.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah. Yeah, of course you can!" She grinned and stepped aside, letting you come right in. "Not that I'm complaining but why are you here? I never thought you'd come back after... everything."

You sighed and took her hands into yours, walking up the stairs with her, right to the bedroom you once slept in, where she'd hold you tight and refuse to let go until morning would come around.

You sat at the edge of the bed with her.

Rosie tried to hide how she was feeling.

Honestly, she was feeling so many different emotions in that moment that she almost felt overwhelmed. She felt so happy to see you but she was afraid you just came to say your goodbyes for good.

"The girls called me."

Your words caused a sigh to fall from her lips. She hung her head.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"But a couple of my friends also called them before they called me."

She lifted her head and stared at you with a look of confusion.

"I walked out of here thinking that I just couldn't handle all the things I knew were going to happen with our relationship being leaked. People were already treating me differently and people were leaving such nasty comments on my posts, even threatening me. I was scared."

"I understand that." She spoke quietly. "I always knew if our relationship with you got leaked, you'd be afraid and you'd walk away. I always knew it would someday because my life is just so public it's like I can never have anything to myself. I understand why you felt afraid. I know it's all so overwhelming and scary."

"Yeah, it was..." You paused and watched as she stared down at her lap again. "But these days just drag by for me. I'm always so miserable. I don't find happiness in anything because I miss you."

Her heart began to pound against her chest and she tried to hold it back, but a small smile tugged at her lips.

She didn't want to get her hopes up, only for them to fall again if you said goodbye once more.

But she just couldn't help it. She loves you. Hearing you say you miss her feels so surreal, because she misses you too, and she wondered if you ever thought about her.

"I miss you too." She whispered as she stared into your eyes.

"While I was away from you, I realized that as hard as it was to adjust to everything that was happening, it's going to be easier to adjust to that than it will be to live without you. Because as scary as it may be, I know you'll always keep me safe through anything and everything that comes our way."

"Always." She smiled as she tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. "I'd never let anyone touch a hair on your head. They'd never hurt you. They'd have to go through me first."

"I know." You smiled back at her. "And I know I hurt you by walking away, so I'd completely understand if you can't look past that. But... I truly am sorry. If I said I regretted it all and wanted to put it behind us, what would you say?"

You waited for a second and watched as Rosie shook her head with a smile before she cupped your cheeks in her hands.

"Darling, what do you think?" She chuckled. "I've missed you like crazy. I sleep on your side of the bed and the house never feels like home without you. If you want to get back together, I'd say yes in a heartbeat."

"I want that too."

She pulled you in for a hug, her arms wrapping around you to hold you tighter than ever before.

She breathed out a sigh of relief, feeling so happy to get to love you again that she teared up.

And when you pulled away and pushed your lips back onto hers, she melted right into you as she always does.

Nothing felt different.

As you fell back onto your side of the bed, her lips still on yours, everything felt the same as it always did.

You felt so loved as she holds you and kisses you like it's the only way she can breathe. You felt safe and warm with her arms around you. You felt happy, that flutter in your heart returning again and again.

And she felt the same. You could tell by the way her heart was beating in sync with yours and the words of love she whispered against your lips with every sweet kiss that you shared.

Everything was how it was always meant to be. You were back where you belong, back where you feel safest and most loved.

And you know that as scary as it might be when the world finds out about you being back together, you're always safe with her and their opinions never matter in the first place.

Not when you have her to lean on and love.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now