revealing your relationship at the met gala (requested)

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"Ready, beautiful girl?" Rosie asked with a sweet smile on her face as she wrapped her fingers around yours.

The door to the car you arrived in opened and you could hear the chaos taking place on the red carpet from here.

Your heart was pounding in your chest from the butterflies you felt over how big tonight is going to be.

It's going to be life-changing.

As a supermodel, everyone has expected you to show up tonight. You and Rosie are two of the most highly anticipated people attending this year's met gala.

But no one expected for you to show up together because, well, your relationship has stayed very private... until tonight.

You've been together for almost a year now and neither of you has ever been happier than you've been since getting together.

The reason from fans of yours as well as blinks have been that exciting things are happening in your careers, unaware that it was because you're both so in love with each other.

You've both got large followings and huge careers, so your relationship is bound to be huge.

And what better way to announce to the world that you're dating and with the love of your life than being able to walk the red carpet at the met gala and show off how lucky you are to be able to love Rosie every single day?


Rosé snapped her fingers, snapping you out of your thoughts.


"Are you ready, babe?" She chuckled as she brushed her thumb across your knuckles.

"Yeah. I'm ready."

She stepped out of the car and you followed, your hand wrapped tightly in hers as guards surrounded you, ensuring that you were both safe with every step you took together.

Fans were screaming as they stood outside, some of them too shocked to do so though because they noticed your hands were intertwined - and proudly so.

"Here we go, my love," Rosie spoke softly as you both approached the red carpet.

The sound of loud voices and camera flashes made your heart pound.

Despite being around cameras every day for as long as you can remember due to being the supermodel that you are, it can still get a little scary and overwhelming at times.

Soon, you were on the carpet, and all eyes were on you and Rosé just like that.

People went wide-eyed as she dropped your hand so she could wrap her arm around you and keep you close.

You happily put yours around her as well, even laying your cheek on her shoulder on occasion.

"This is so exciting but it's also a lot. Are you doing okay?" She asked as she turned her head to look at you.

The stars in her eyes were captured for the world to see, the love she has for you as obvious as can be.

You didn't say anything.

You just kissed her cheek quickly before sending her the brightest smile you could.

Even though you still felt a little nervous, you also felt so relieved, and you could see that Rosie felt the same way.

You're happy with the way your relationship has been until now - private and intimate. Only the people closest to the two of you knew.

The girls, your closest friends, and the people you trusted most in both of your families.

It was so secretive, every date as private but as romantic as possible.

YG made sure that nothing was ever leaked and your agency made sure to do the same.

You would be just as happy if you hadn't agreed to this tonight.

But you both felt like it was time.

You're getting very serious, making plans for the future as you talk about things such as marriage and family and things of that sort.

It was a sign that you both knew you could handle whatever comes your way because you'll do it together and nothing can ever change that.

You're both in this for life now, only wanting to spend forever with each other and no one else.

You didn't want to hide that from the world anymore. You're so in love and you wanted the world to know.

And it was all on your and Rosie's terms.

No one caught you, no one threatened to reveal your relationship.

You were revealing it together.

That's how it should be and that brought you both so much happiness.

"Are you together? You're very adorable together!" One of the photographers said and you and Rosé just grinned before nodding.

"Yeah. Have been for a while now. We're very happy!" Rosie grinned.

To flaunt your love and happiness a little more, she leaned in and gave you a short but sweet kiss, wanting the world to see just how crazy for each other you are.

"I love you." She whispered against your lips.

"I love you too." You spoke back to her.

You put your cheek back on her shoulder and told her how stunning she looked and how wild she was driving you, which made her laugh and the sight was captured for the world to see, which was exactly what you wanted; for the world to see how happy she is.

For everyone to see that big beautiful smile of hers and that sparkle in her eyes.

It's everything to you.

You get to see that smile and hear that laugh every day.

You wanted everyone to see just how lucky you are.

You knew this was going to blow up all over social media. You had the feeling it already was.

But, no matter what happens and no matter what people say in response, you've got each other to love and lean on and that's all that matters.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now