I care about you (requested)

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"Baby," Rosie softly spoke as she walked over to the bed. "Will you please take a little break?"

She wondered if you even heard her as you looked over the papers that were spread across the bed.

She couldn't even sit down on the bed, there was too much stuff everywhere.

But she's not complaining about that.

She knows right now, you need some privacy and space as you study for your finals that will be coming up soon.

University has stressed you out quite a bit since you started.

However, she's never seen you this stressed and it's beginning to scare her.

All you do from morning to night is study.

You haven't been eating or sleeping much.

You keep pouring every waking minute into studying as hard as you possibly can.

She knows how you feel now when comebacks come around and she's so stressed and so busy that you have to remind her to eat and encourage her to take a little time for herself, so she can rest and stay healthy.

She knows it's hard for you to see her push herself so hard during those times.

So seeing you do it to yourself is worrying and she's not sure what to do when you don't do much more than studying every day.

"Y/N, my love, I know you're working hard but I need you to take a little break." She said as she began to massage your shoulders.

You felt so tense and it was understandable as to why.

She hoped that her massaging those knots away would bring you a little comfort.

"You haven't been eating or sleeping well. You have to take a few hours away to do those things. You're going to make yourself sick, baby girl."

She began to kiss your neck softly but, to her surprise, you just groaned and pulled away.

"Stop, Rosie. I'm busy."

She tried not to take your grumpiness to heart because she knows how stressed you are right now.

So she just swallowed the lump that appeared in her throat and focused on brushing her hand across your back soothingly.

"I know." She said. "But you need to eat. What do you want? I'll make it for you or I can even get you some takeout. Anything will be okay as long as you eat. Just tell me what you want?"

"Fine, Rosie! You know what I want? I want you to leave me alone!"

Again, she tried her very hardest not to take everything you were saying, as well as the way you were speaking to her, to heart.

"I'm just trying to help, baby. I'm trying to take care of you."

"I can take care of myself!'

"Well, you're doing a bad job at it!" She snapped back at you. "Y/N, you haven't been eating or sleeping and it's not healthy. Please, just take a couple of hours and get some food in you and some sleep."

"No! Not now!" You yelled. "Just go away, Rosie! I don't need this right now!"

"Don't talk to me that way, y/n." She said as a shaky breath fell from her lips.

"Then stop getting on my nerves! Leave, go somewhere else so I can focus!" You screamed at her. "Why are being so annoying?" You grumbled.

Rosé felt the tears sting her eyes and she nodded her head, feeling hurt by the way you spoke to her and the things you said.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now