your baby gets jealous of you kissing Rosé (requested)

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You breathed out a contented sigh as Rosie's lips brushed against your forehead.

You're curled up on the sofa together while your baby is across the room on the room, laying in her swing as she plays with the toys attached to it.

It's just a cozy day for the three of you.

It's Rosie's day off and even though she doesn't work as much as she did before your baby was born a few months ago, she's still quite busy at times.

So having her all to yourself today means a lot as you've missed her, as has your little girl.

"Doing okay?" Rosé asked as you opened your eyes, staring into hers. "Need anything?"

"No. I'm content right now, just like this." You said as you shifted around on the sofa, your head resting on her chest.

She began to play with your hair as she watched you close your eyes, only for you to open them again as an idea came to your mind.

"But I wouldn't mind if you gave me some kisses."

She smiled at you adoringly before leaning in to kiss your lips.

When your lips first touched, your baby squealed from across the room and you instantly pulled away.

"I'll be there in just a second, honey." You said before putting your lips back on Rosie's, only for your little one to squeal loudly once more.

"What is the matter?" Rosé asked with a chuckle.

Your daughter just stared at you both and you figured she just wanted some attention.

"Mommy will be there in just a second, angel." You promised and Rosie just smiled as she brushed her hand across your back.

Seeing that she wasn't crying and didn't seem to need anything urgently, you figured you had a moment to just steal a few more kisses from Rosie's lips.

But as her lips touched yours again, this kiss deeper and more passionate than the last, your daughter let out yet another squeal but this time she seemed almost angry.

"Oh, my goodness!" You said as you got up. "What is going on with you?"

You picked her up out of her swing and made your way back to the sofa.

Sitting down, Rosie put her arms around you as you both cooed over your precious little girl for a moment.

But after a moment, you craved her lips on yours again.

All you wanted was one soft kiss from her sweet lips.

But as soon as your lips met, your daughter let out a loud squeal, making you both quickly pull away.

"Why do you do that every time we kiss, huh?" Rosé asked as she pulled your little girl onto her lap. "Are you jealous?"

Your daughter's big eyes locked with Rosie's and to try and make her feel better, you both gave her a sweet little kiss on her head.


She seemed much happier now as she played with her rattle, cooing and babbling.

"I think she's alright now," Rosie said. "Come on, give me another kiss, baby."

You chuckled before stealing another kiss from her lips.

Only, yet again, to hear your daughter protest as your lips moved against Rosé's.

"Oh, quit that!" You joked as you tickled your little girl, making her giggle.

"I can't have a kiss? Just one kiss?" Rosie pouted.

You leaned over and quickly pecked her cheek and this time, your daughter didn't seem to care.

"I think someone was just jealous." You said as you kissed your little girl's cheek.

"She wants kisses, huh?" Rosie asked before kissing your daughter on both of her cheeks, making her smile.

"I guess we just have to settle for a kiss on the cheek." Rosie sighed.

"Until she falls asleep." You said, making her smirk.

"I love you." She said, kissing your cheek lovingly.

"I love you too." You spoke before you both began to give your little girl kisses and attention, making sure she felt just as loved by the two of you.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now