I hate you (requested)

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"Hey, Rosie!" You grinned as you watched your girlfriend enter the bedroom after her being gone since early this morning. "How was your day?"

"Fine." She mumbled quietly.

Although she was quiet and maybe even a little moody, you didn't mind.

You know she's dealing with a lot right now since she's so busy these days and you weren't going to hold it against her right now.

"It's almost eleven. You left at six this morning." You said and planned to continue speaking but she scoffed and looked at you with her arms folded over her chest.

"So? You know I'm busy right now, y/n. So don't start about me not being home."

"I wasn't going to. You didn't let me finish. I was going to see if you wanted me to run you a bath or make you some food so you can relax for a while."

She rolled her eyes at you, which made you furrow your eyebrows.

"I know you had a long day but there's no need  to take it out on me."

"Whatever." She grumbled as she went to the closet, grabbing one of her hoodies and a pair of sweats.

She tossed her dirty clothes into the basket and looked around the room, wrinkling her nose in disgust as if it was some sort of pigsty.

"Why is it so messy? Look at all of the clothes on the floor."

"Rosie, those are your clothes." You chuckled. "You've been so tired lately when you get home that you just change and toss them on the floor. It's no big deal."

"Why can't you clean them up?"

"Because it's not my mess." You said, taken aback by how she was speaking to you. "Those clothes on the floor are yours, the sheets of paper all over your nightstand are yours, the glasses and empty water bottles over your nightstand and in your garbage can are yours."

"Clean it."

"No." You scoffed. "You have two hands and two feet, you do it yourself."

"But I'm exhausted."

"Then wait until you feel better and clean it then! I'm not your maid, Rosie. I'm your girlfriend. I do a lot for you but I'm not bending over backward for you. It's not my responsibility to clean your mess, just as it's not your responsibility to clean mine."

"Fine." She grumbled. "If I go downstairs to cook some food, are all of the dishes going to be dirty? Do you refuse to clean them too?"

"Okay, Rosie, that's enough now." You sighed. "I already offered to make you some food. Not because I have to but because I want to. I choose to. The dishes are all clean. We have a dishwasher and, if for some reason there are a couple of dirty dishes or pieces of silverware in the sink, there's a thing called a sponge and another thing called dish soap that you can use to clean them yourself."

You shook your head at her in disbelief, unable to comprehend how she was talking to you and why she was doing it.

"If you want, I'll make you some food. Why don't you lay down and get some sleep? You need it."

The last part fell from your lips quietly but Rosé heard them loud and clear.

You were just frustrated with how she was talking to you, frustrated with her grumpiness. You just couldn't help but say them.

"What did you just say?"

"I'm sorry." You said. "Look, I'm just tired and frustrated. You're not being very nice to me right now."

"You know what? I'll just go sleep somewhere else for the night. I don't want to deal with this."

"Rosie, you're being ridiculous!"

"And you're being annoying!" She said as she grabbed her phone, charger, and her blanket. "So give some space! I hate you right now."

Your heart dropped as soon as the words fell from her lips.

And so did hers.

Oh, those words were going to be hard to take back.

She knew that immediately.


"Hate? You hate me?"

"No. I don't know why I said that. I'm just moody. I had a hard day and I'm taking it out on you and I'm so sorry."

"I want to be alone for the night." You said.

She came up to you and tried  to hug you but you just pulled away from her when she did so.

"No, Rosie! You said that you hate me!"

"But I didn't mean it, baby. I would never." She insisted as she felt tears sting her eyes. "I swear I didn't mean it."

"Go away. Go somewhere else for the night. Go to the guest room or the sofa, anywhere. I need space." You sniffled and when she went to protest, you just got more annoyed. "Go, Rosie! Please."

She lowered her head and left the room with her things in her hands.

And as soon as she was out of the room, you slammed the bedroom door and turned the lock so she couldn't get back in.

She sank to the floor in sadness, her heart shattering upon hearing your cries.

Her words hurt.

She knew if you'd said them to her, she'd be just as upset.

She didn't know what to do but she was determined to make sure that you knew she didn't mean what she had said and that she never would.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now