reunited - part one (requested)

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"Y/N?" One of the crew members of the awards show said as he knocked on your dressing room door. "Are you ready to go present the award?"

Deep down, you didn't feel ready.

But you didn't have much of a choice since you signed on for this.

"Yeah." You said with a small smile, hoping the nervousness that you felt wasn't noticeable.

You're not just nervous to go out and step on the stage to stand there and present the award for all the celebrities in attendance to see.

It's more of who you might encounter tonight if she wins the award, which you have a strong feeling that she will.


Your ex.

You spent a year loving each other, falling head over heels.

You both told all of your friends and family that you felt like you were the one for each other.

And it would've worked out had busy schedules and too much time spent apart didn't ruin that.

"Go on ahead," the crew member said as the show returned.

You took a deep breath before walking out on the stage, trying so hard to keep yourself from gazing at the beautiful girl in the front row.

You have a speech about the award before the videos of the nominees began to play on screen and the sound of your ex's angelic voice playing made your heart skip a beat.

"And the winner is..." you said, opening the envelope.

You were right about who you thought would win.

"Rosé for on the ground," you grinned and when the cameras cut to her getting out of her seat as everyone stood up to cheer and applaud her, you let out a shaky breath.

You'd be reuniting on stage in only a few seconds for the first time in what felt like forever.

When she made her way on stage and walked to you, your heart began to beat harder and faster against your chest with every step that she took.

She looked so beautiful.

She had a long black dress on, her blonde hair was beautifully done, and her brown eyes were mesmerizing.

She's always taken your breath away.

You couldn't help but wonder how you'd gotten so lucky to have been able to love her yet so unlucky to have lost her.

Instead of bowing or giving you a quick hug as she would for any other person presenting an award, she put her arms around you to give you a huge and long hug.

It felt incredible.

Her arms felt so warm, just as you remembered.

And she smelled so good.

For a second, it felt as though you were home again.

But then, you realized you were getting too attached and your love for her was returning.

It sank in that maybe, all this time, you still loved her.

And, in fear that she didn't feel the same, you pulled away and stared at her with a sad smile.

"Congratulations, Rosé,"

Her smile faded.

It didn't feel the same when you called her Rosé.

It felt too formal.

She missed those sweet pet names you used to call her.

She missed you.

"Thanks," she said before turning around to speak into the mic. "I would like to thank my fans for always standing by me and supporting me. I want to thank Teddy, YG, three of my best friends who are more like my sisters who went all out to show their love for me and on the ground, and my family. I'm so honored and so thankful. Thank you!"

Everyone clapped once more and Rosé turned back around to ask if she could pull you aside for a few to talk to you.

But you were already gone.

And that broke Rosie's heart once again.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora