bringing your little girl home (requested)

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"Are you okay?" Rosé asked as she helped you lay down in bed. "Are you comfortable enough? Need me to fix your pillows for you or cover you up?"

"I'm okay, babe. Don't worry." You smiled and squeezed her assuringly as she pulled the blankets up to your stomach. "I just want cuddles with my babies."

Rosie smiled and kissed your forehead before she walked across the room, unbuckling your baby girl from her car seat before she picked her up.

"You're the most precious girl." Rosé cooed as she made her way over to you, gently laying your little girl on your chest.

She made a few soft sounds but quickly calmed down and continued to sleep like the little angel that she is.

Rosie laid down in bed, slowly and carefully, hoping she wouldn't disturb the baby.

She was relieved when she laid down beside you and your little girl continued to sleep soundly, unbothered by Rosie's movement.

"I can't believe she's actually here." You said. "In the world and here at home. I love her so much."

Rosé smiled as she stared at you, lovingly tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.

You've spent a few long and beautiful years together. Every day has been one full of love and happiness.

But there came a point that Rosé was so in love with you that she didn't believe she could ever love you more.

It seemed impossible.

But, two days ago, you brought your little girl into the world and although it was a long and painful process, it was worth every second.

You both agree on that.

And now, every time she stares at you, she feels so much love for you that she feels as though her heart might burst.

It's indescribable.

"Aren't you just so cute," you quietly cooed to your baby girl, marveling over everything about her.

Rosie just grinned, swearing that she's never smiled so much or so wide before your baby came into the world and that said a lot considering you make her smile every day.

"Isn't she amazing?" You asked Rosé as you turned to look at her.

"Yeah. Just like her mom." She said as she kissed your forehead.

"Stop it." You giggled.

"I mean it. I know I've told you a lot but you are incredible. I'm so amazed by you. You're so strong and so beautiful and I love you more than anything; both of you."

She stared down at your little girl and began to brush her fingers across her tiny hand that rested on your chest.

Just like it did the first time, her heart swelled as the baby wrapped her tiny fingers around Rosie's.

She did that the moment Rosé first brushed her fingers across her small hand.

She didn't hesitate to hold onto Rosie's much bigger index finger with all five tiny fingers of hers.

It was beautiful and heartwarming and she couldn't even hide the tears in her eyes the moment it first happened.

It was an emotional day but in the best and most beautiful way.

Almost everything brought tears to her eyes as she felt as though she'd never loved two people more than she loves her two girls.

"Your fingers are so tiny, just like your little ears." Rosie chuckled. "You're home now, lovebug."

You put your head on her shoulder and she laid her head on yours, both of you marveling over your tiny beautiful baby girl.

"You've been in the world for two days but you're home, finally. This is where you'll grow up. Where you'll play and run around and make amazing memories." She spoke softly.

You didn't say anything. You enjoyed listening to her talk and coo over the baby.

"You're going to be spoiled. But not just with things such as toys or clothes, but with love. You'll always be loved and supported by your moms, no matter what."

"When you grow up and find yourself, whoever that is, we will always be here to support you. You can be whoever you want. You can be your true self, always. You will be loved and accepted unconditionally." You promised.

"Yeah and if you decide you want to stay here with your moms until you're fifty, we're okay with that," Rosé added, making you giggle quietly.

You both went quiet, just kissing your little girl's head and cooing over how lovely she was.

But she spoke up again a moment later.

"I love you, y/n."

You looked at her, gazing into her beautiful brown eyes with your bright ones.

"I love you too." You smiled and she pecked your lips. "And we love you, sweetheart."

"So very much." Rosie grinned and kissed your daughter's head softly, both of you were so happy and so in love with each other and your sweet baby girl.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now