you're the fifth member and get a lot of hate - part two (requested)

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It was a few days later since Rosie put out that post. Since then you've found everything has improved.

You knew it wouldn't all go away. Hatred and negativity are bound to come to you when you're an idol.

However, for the first time since the group debuted, you actually feel appreciated. The negativity has faded. It was now overshadowed by love and appreciation.

For the first time in a long time, you were enjoying being an idol and being in BLACKPINK.

To make it even better, your bond with your girls has only strengthened now that you were feeling better emotionally and mentally.

You're closer than ever.

You sat in the dressing room on your own. Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa had finished getting ready for the show that would start in a little under a half-hour.

In the meantime, they decided to go explore the arena from different little spots that they'd be able to spot fans from.

Rosie came in, already in her stage outfit.

She sat down beside you, watching with bright eyes as you scrolled through social media with a smile.

It brought a big smile to her face because, until a few days ago, you could barely even bring yourself to go on social media and when you'd never smile when you did so.

"I can feel you staring at me." You said as you locked your phone and looked up at Rosé.

"Sorry, can't help it." She said as she shrugged her shoulders and felt her heart flutter when you giggled.

You both went quiet for a second. In the air hung a comfortable silence. You both stared at each other wordlessly, hearts beating faster as you both slowly inched your fingers closer and closer to wrap around each others.

"Thank you."

Your words weren't what she was expecting to hear. So, she stared at you in confusion, wondering what on earth you could be thanking her for right now.

"For the other day. I know I said thank you when you did what you did. But I don't think you realize how much it meant to me. Everything is just so much better now."

"You don't have to thank me, y/n. I'd do anything for you. Anything." She said and took your hand into her.

"I know we're all practically attached at the hip these days but... I feel different with you. I have from the day we met. If I'm being honest, I didn't know how being in a group with you would work out."

"What? Why?"

"Because..." she sighed and stared at your hands, feeling her heart skip a beat as she realized your fingers were intertwined. "I'd be spending basically every minute of every day with you and I'd have to put my feelings for you aside."

You tried not to smile, even though you knew she could see the start of it.

"And did you? Do you not feel that way about me anymore?"

"No." She said and your heart sunk, only for her to continue. "I've only fallen harder for you."

You turned your head quicker than ever to look back at her. Her hand was shaking in yours. She was taking a leap of faith here, spilling out her heart and her deepest feelings for you.

Because she had the feeling that you felt the same about her.

Or, at least, she desperately hoped.

Because it was too late to turn back now.

"Being an idol is hard. They try to prepare you for all the things that come with it but... you never really realize just how hard it is until you make it. Some days are harder than others. But I've always woken up excited to get out of bed and go to interviews and photo shoots and tours because I knew I'd be around you and you've gotten me through some of the worst days of my life."

Her confession made your heart race in your chest. You swear you've never felt so many butterflies in your chest before.

"I love you. Not in the way I love the other girls. They're my best friends, almost like my sisters. But you... you're my ultimate best friend. Every time I look at you, I always feel these butterflies in my stomach and this pounding in my heart because you're so insanely beautiful, inside and out, that you take my breath away."

You squeezed her hand tightly and she smiled brighter than before at the feeling, squeezing yours right back.

"I've always squashed my feelings for you down because everyone always told me I wasn't as good enough as you all were. So, I thought you'd never love me the way I love you."

"Well, you're wrong. Because I love you lots."

She used her other hand to stroke your cheek as you gazed into each other's eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything you've been through. It's always broken my heart to see it all, which is why it was so important to me to say everything I said the other day. Because I couldn't take one more minute of seeing the girl I'm in love with so, so sad. I couldn't stand knowing you felt so worthless when you are perfect to me."

You grinned from ear to ear and made Rosie's heart melt by doing.

"You're just so cute." She giggled as she brushed her thumbs across your cheeks.

"You're in love with me?"

"So, so in love." She said as she dropped her forehead onto yours.

"Good. Because I'm so, so in love with you too."

Her eyes sparkled. She was so happy she felt like she could cry.

"Can I kiss you?" She whispered softly.

"I've been waiting for years for you to. So, you better."

She chuckled before pushing her lips onto yours for the sweetest first kiss you've ever shared with anyone before.

She didn't deepen it. She kept it soft and sweet, so romantic. She wanted you to feel loved with every brush of her lips.

She kept her hand on your cheek, her thumb brushing delicately across your soft skin. She moved her lips against yours, never wanting this moment to end as she held you close and made you feel more loved than you've ever felt before.

But suddenly, the door opened and you both pulled away.

The girls stood in the doorway, jaws dropped for a second before they all turned to each other and then back to you with the biggest smiles on their faces.

"I knew it!" Jennie grinned. "I knew you're in love with each other! I knew you'd get together someday!"

You and Rosie laughed as you held each other tightly as you hugged.

"We have to go out on stage. So, kiss more later and finish getting ready. You've got like, three minutes." Jisoo said and Lisa squealed excitedly over you two before closing the door to let you finish getting ready.

Rosie quickly helped you into your outfit and you quickly helped her with her touch-ups on her makeup before she did yours.

"How do I look?" You asked.

She could tell you felt so much more confident these days, so much happier. She was so thankful that most of it was because of her. It was beautiful to see. It made her heart leap in her chest.

"Absolutely gorgeous. Like always." She smiled and gave you one more sweet kiss on your lips. "Ready to go do this show, my love?" She asked and your heart fluttered over the sweet pet name.

"Ready, baby."

She put her arm around you and you exited the dressing room, ready to shine together.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now