you're home now (requested)

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The knock at the front door startled Rosie when she first heard it.

It was only ten am and she had fallen back asleep while she was curled up on the couch with a movie playing.

It wasn't how she wanted to spend her day off but you couldn't get out of work and had no choice but to go to work, leaving her all by herself on this boring day.

She was so tired that she almost fell back asleep when the knock came again, this time with a familiar voice on the other side of the door.

"Rosie? It's me. Can you open the door?"

She recognized the voice as one of your best friends.

Rosie pushed off the blanket before she got up from the sofa and made her way to the door.

She was going to ask your best friend why she wasn't at work with you since you have the same shift and should've been working side by side today.

But when she opened the door, it all made sense.

She wasn't alone.

Another one of your friends stood at the door and in between the two of them, was you.

You looked weak and exhausted and it immediately made Rosie's heart drop.

"Oh my god! Is she okay?" Rosie asked as she stood in front of you, gently placing her hand on your forehead.

You were burning up, clearly running a high fever.

"She got sick at work and couldn't make it home on her own." Your other friend explained.

With a groan, you let go of your friends before walking into Rosé's embrace.

She put her arms around you as you laid your cheek on her chest, shivering slightly because you had the chills while your stomach turned a little.

"I think she should take a few days off. It might be the flu. It's going around and she just seems so weak and so sick."

"Of course. I'll take care of her, no worries."

"We know you will." Your friend said. "Bye, Y/N. Feel better soon."

"Thank you for bringing her home." Rosé said as your friends made their way back to the car.

"No problem!" One of them said before getting into the car and driving off.

"Come on, sweet girl. Let's get you inside." Rosie said as she brushed her fingers through your hair for a second before helping you through the door.

She sat you down on the couch to help you take off your shoes and you shivered more as the chills became worse.

So, to help you feel a little better, she grabbed the blanket she had just been curling up with a moment ago and put it around you.

"Here you go, my love." She said as she wrapped it around your shoulders. "Hopefully that will help you feel better until we get you up in bed."

"Rosie?" You mumbled and she could tell by the way you said her name as well as the look in your eyes that you felt terrible.

"Yeah, baby?" She spoke softly as she felt your forehead once more.

"I don't feel good."

"I know, baby. Your friends said you got sick at work. Do you think you've got the flu?"

"Maybe." You said before exhaling shakily. "I just feel awful. My body hurts, I'm cold, I'm nauseous, and I'm so tired."

Her heart shattered a little.

She hates when you feel so sick.

She felt so helpless because she didn't know what to do to make you feel better, although she was willing to do anything to help you feel better.

"How about we go up to bed? I'll cuddle you and take care of you until you feel better." She said with a small smile and you slowly nodded your head in response.

She turned off the tv before she helped you up from the sofa.

She kept the blanket around your shoulders and walked up to bed with you.

"I'm tired too so we can go to sleep. I can hold you if you want." She said.

"I'd like that." You quietly said as you sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Before we do that, let's get you out of your work clothes and into your pajamas so you can lay down and get cozy." 

You nodded but as your eyes got too heavy, you let them slip shut as she got up to walk to the closet.

She grabbed one of her hoodies and a pair of your cozy and warm pajama bottoms before coming back to you.

"Falling asleep, cutie?" She asked as she got pulled the blanket off of you.

"I'm freezing." You said as you opened your tired eyes.

Rosie's heart shattered a little more, saddened to hear and see you feel so sick and exhausted.

"I feel sick again." You said as soon as you were fully dressed in her warm hoodie and your pajamas.

"Do you think you're going to throw up again?" She asked and stared at you in worry as she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

You shrugged your shoulders before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.

Rosé got up once more to go into the bathroom and grab the thermometer and a bucket, just to be safe.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she rubbed your shoulder comfortingly.

You nodded your head as the nausea faded away a little.

You lay down in bed as Rosie placed the bucket beside you and she got into bed next to you.

After tucking you in under the blankets, she put the thermometer under your tongue while you closed your eyes.

"Is there anything else that you need, my love? Water? Soup? Medicine?"

"Everything but in a few minutes. I'm tired and just want to go to sleep." You mumbled.

The thermometer beeped a few seconds later and she took it out from your mouth, frowning over the numbers.

"One hundred and one. You've got a fever. I'll have to get you some medicine to help take it down a little."

"Later but for now will you please just hold me? Please, baby?" You sniffled

"Of course, sweet girl. I'm here." She softly said as she pulled you into her arms. "Don't worry, baby. If you get sick again, I'll be here. You're home now. You're safe and sound. I've got you, darling."

You started to fall asleep as she held you close, finally feeling warm and secure to do so.

"You'll go to sleep too, right?" You mumbled.

"Yeah." She said as she kissed your head. "Just go to sleep, don't worry about anything."

She was so tired but she was also so worried about you so she kept her heavy eyes open and refused to fall asleep until she knew you were sleeping soundly.

"I love you. Feel better soon, okay?" She whispered as she kissed your head again, hoping that you'd start to feel better soon.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin