all my love is gone (requested)

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Rosie sat across from the girls in the cafe, staring down at the drink on the table as she wordlessly moved her straw inside the cup.

She could feel their eyes on her. She doesn't have to look at them to know their gazes are ones of worry.

It's been so long since she's gotten out of the house for things other than work, such as practices and live shows. The important things. Things she couldn't get out of.

She fakes her smiles. Her eyes are anything but bright and every time something comes up where she has to be around cameras, the makeup artists always have to cover up the dark circles under them.

She doesn't talk much. She's been sat at this cafe with the girls for the last twenty minutes and she hasn't said a single word as they talk to her, trying to do anything and everything to get her to smile, even just a little.

She doesn't feel like herself. She hasn't for the last few weeks, since you and her called it quits.

Your relationship had gone public. It wasn't your choice. You'd been caught on what was supposed to be a private date at the restaurant she rented out to treat you for date night.

Someone ended up leaking it and the consequences were photos of the two of you giggling and kissing being spread across the internet for the world to see.

It was overwhelming. People in your life began to use you and treat you differently. The hate was terrible, the negative words and the constant death threats became too much for you to handle.

Rosie begged you to stay. She was down on her hands and knees. But it wasn't enough. You still left, unable to take anymore.

"Rosie," Lisa sighed as she put her hand onto her friends. "Everything's going to be okay."

Rosie shook her head, tears starting to sting her eyes.

"No, it won't. I lost her."

"I know it hurts, but you have to let her go," Jisoo whispered as she put her hand over Lisa's, which was still on Rosie's.

"Time will heal it," Jennie promised.

"No. It won't." Rosie mumbled quietly. "I love her so much. I still do. I always will. I can't imagine a day of my life where I don't love her."

The girls all looked at each other and then back at their very best friend in sadness.

"I know I always have you three to lean on. You know I love you all. But," Rosie trailed off, hanging her head with a small whimper as the pang of sadness hit her hard again.

"You don't have to explain it. We get it." Jennie mumbled quietly. "Your love for her is a different kind of love. Your bond was different than with us. That's okay. You were in love with each other."

"Are." Rosie corrected. "I'm still in love with her. I'm always going to be in love with her."

"I know. But she had to go, Rosie. She needed to take a step back. You know how overwhelming and how painful everything that comes with our lives can be. To have people constantly talking about you, judging your every move and every word. Watching you all the time. It's hard to adjust to. Look where we are. Years into this and it's still hard on all of us." Jisoo said.

"Yeah, Jisoo's right. It's nothing to do with you, Rosé. I'm sure of that."

"I'm just," Rosie paused, a shaky breath falling from her lips. "I'm just really heartbroken. I know she's going to move on someday. She's going to find someone else. I want her to be happy, but not without me. My house doesn't feel like home anymore because she was always there and now it feels so empty and it's so quiet. It doesn't feel right."

The girls nodded wordlessly, unsure of what to say.

"I hate waking up every morning because she's not by my side. I'm never going to love again. My love is just... gone." She whispered in sadness.

They all got up and got into the booth beside her, pulling her into a big hug.

They held her as her tears fell, letting her lean on them as the ache of her broken heart overwhelmed her.

They told her it was all going to be okay, but she knew it wouldn't.

Not without you.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now